26 - aftermath

I just tilted my head with an akward smile and teleported back when I thought the explosion was done. AH! HOT! incasing myself in an ice cage and setting an ice chair, I observed the aftermath of the explosion.

There was a giant crater, the walls of crystal weren't spared either and there was a huge cavern that wasn't suppose to be there. Unlike other series, this was permanent damage... I hope I don't get into trouble... Looking closely... Wow! The crystals from the wyvern dropped. They would be very useful as crafting materials! They probably have the property [mana deflection], and are extremely durable that they could survive that heat explosion... The lesser wyverns were all caught in the explosion and died, roughly half the crystal part has been turned into 1 huge cavern. I grew up to level 243.

Today was nice huh~ I grew up by roughly 160 levels, what a good day. Let's go even deeper into the dungeon! After going through the whole of the crystal valley and firing [void energy] beams at everything that moves I arrived a vaccum type area. To put it bluntly, it was like I was outside the atmosphere, the oxygen was almost non-existant and all the creatures there didn't need air to survive, they depended on eating each other for energy just to live. There are probably a lot of cannibals. The thing is that monsters can also level up after killing each other, same with humans. And the stronger one grows, the higher chance of survival to eat another one and grow stronger again. There would be roaming boss level monsters around and the one at the end?I can't imagine. Maybe the primal nature dragon that escaped had feared something to come all the way out.

Whatever, let's just go in and kill some monsters.

Multiple metal snake like creatures with metal wings appeared, there was even an alpha leading the group, its distinctive feature was its particularly larger size... Much much larger where the mouth could swallow one of its own in one gulp.

Monster: death quetzacoatl


Health: 16 890 000/16 890 000

Mana: 5 630 000/5 630 000

Strength: 563 000

Vitality: 1 689 000

Intelligence 563 000

Agility : 563 000

Using my [Black speed ring], I ran to the back of the herd and fired a rain of [void energy] beams. Since they live in a 'space-like' environment where there is no gravity, surprisingly energy is effective on them but they are immune to black holes. As they can defy the gravity of a blackhole for some reason. Erasing the whole herd, I felt that that was enough for the day and decided to head back. Its not like I'm terrified of the boss at the very end... Its just that I faced a lot of boss monsters today... Baka!

Using [teleport-tier 5] ,I appeared right at the entrance without thinking again. Everyone stared at me in shock. When did she gain a 100 levels?! Ignoring their stares, I didn't bother explaining the teleportation and went back. To explain the gist of it, teleportation was an extremely hard to acquire skill, just having it would make you wanted by top guilds and parties to go into dungeons as you serve as a convenient escape if anything goes wrong. The problem is that someone would only learn [Teleport-tier 1] in their level 600s, and then it would usually be engraved on a consumable item like Jack's crystal at that time. Even if someone tried their hardest, at most an unlucky person would gain [teleport-tier 2] and a normal person would gain [teleport-tier 3] at level 1000. Tier 4 is for people who are born with talent and tier 5 is for people who are at the top of the world. The difference between tiers is the time it takes to teleport, tier 1 takes 5 seconds, each subsequent tier takes 1 lesser second than the one before. At high levels, each second was a matter of life and death.

Hmmmm, maybe I should just ask the king to get a good blacksmith. Using [teleport-tier 5] again,I appeared in the throne room. "Umm? Do you sit there 24 hours a day?"

"...." (bavner)

"Why aren't you answering?! Well whatever, do you have a black smith to recommend? I got some good crafting materials and I want to make a new dagger since it basically exploded when I used it on this new material I aquired"

"Okay, you can just leave the materials on the cabinet over there, houzo could you get the royal blacksmith?" (bavner)

"Thanks Bavner onii-chan" I flash a brilliant smile. Dropping the crystal scales on the bench randomly located next to the pillar nearest to the throne, I went back to the city where the dungeon was located.

Maybe, I should get some food to eat, feeling a little peckish. Walking through the streets, I found what resembled a shop that sells chicken wings. Entering inside, I was disappointed that I was naive enough to believe there were chicken wings in a fantasy world. Turns out they were just key chains displayed in a weird fashion. Exiting the shop, I looked for a nearby restaurant to have a quick snack of some garlic bread and a bit of potage.

Well that was one hell of a day, time to go back home. Can't believe I went up to level 304, guess thats what happens when you fight 3 boss level monsters, they were basically exp packs. Can't wait for my new dagger tomorrow, I'll just pick it up in the morning, if it's not done, I'll just rain metal element on my sparing partner... Tier 2,don't want to kill them now.