1 - Death?

It was just a typical day and I was out for my morning jog. Wanting to stay healthy and decently fit, every weekend I would jog in the morning at my local park. The sun was shining especially brightly that day, my body was perspiring more than usual as my sweat drench my casual grey tee-shirt. I had my favourite black sweatpants as well and was going near my limit as usual.

* Yume wo shibaritsukeru, omotai sadame no ishi ni! * shoot! I forgot to change my ringtone. As I was quite an indecisive person, I would change my ringtone quite often. Just last week, my incredible intellect thought that using my favourite magical girl anime opening was a smart decision. A few meters away, a mother glares at me as her face contorts in disgust. It would be quite rude to cover your child's ears in public to shame a random stranger's ringtone, so the mother just held her son's hand and the both of them scurry away. Well, nothing could be done about that now. I would be creeped out too, if I saw a middle-aged old man with such a questionable ringtone near me. My cheeks flushed from the exercise, I make a mental note to change my ringtone before answering the call.

My name is Shuudan Sei and i'm just your average salaryman. Perhaps truck-kun will hit me or some magical circle will summon me away later, well at least that's what I wish for as I want to escape from reality. Anyway as I was saying, I was in the middle of jogging when a nearby mother was staring at me in disgust due to my ringtone.

Whoops! It almost slipped my mind! I better answer this call, " Mr. Shuu speaking, who are you? "

"Where are you! you're late for work!" (?)

"I'm currently jogging right now, what do you mean there's work? "

"Did you mistake a workday as Saturday again! This is the third time this month! "(?)

" Hold on, today wasn't sunday?! Eeeeh~, fine I'll arrive as fast as possible! "

Ending the call and my jog, I sprinted for my house. Was this what I've been training for? To sprint to work in case something went wrong? Such silly thoughts pass through my head to distract myself from my impending doom of getting scolded. Slamming the door close in a hurry, I took a towel from the bathtub to dry my sweat. Huh, maybe I'm getting used to it? I should probably stop thinking like that, I am an adult! I am old enough to take responsibility.

I looked in the mirror as I was getting dressed, "ah, I wished I was young again. Maybe I can try cosplaying in my old uniform when i get home from work." *pftt* I laughed to myself as I realised I said something dumb. My sense of humour is so bad I'm laughing at my own joke. My age must really be getting to me. Dying inside a little, It would probably be more normal to have a mid-life crisis from my destructive living conditions. Forgetting it was a weekday and rushing to work, coming back home to play an MMO game until it was 3 am and then waking up at 6 am.

Welp, I don't actually have time to be depressed as It was time to work. I don't actually have anything to bring as all the things I need are already in my office. Rushing out of my house for the third time that month, the fatique in my legs forced me to forget about whatever depressing things i was thinking about. All that was in my mind was just trying reach the office as fast as I can.

- So I dashed acrossed the road.

There was an ear shattering honking sound. Turning my head to the right my eyes widened from shock, there it is, a truck.I had a nice life, I guess. My parents were an old retired couple and left the family business to my little sister, Shuudan furumi, as I wasn't interested in running an inn in the countryside.

The friends that I made in high school went on to their successful careers or and fulfilled their dreams. l had a friend that became a mangaka, though he didn't make it big, he managed to garner a decently sized fan-club. He would always chat about making his fans happy by drawing a manga. For me, I just made choices that I thought would earn me the most money realistically possible. So i picked a stable job in a stable company to be a salaryman. I never actually had any dreams as i wasn't an ambitious child.

Oh well, I guess this was the end of my life. ———NOT, as I have said. This was the third time i was rushing to work, even if it was only after 2 times. My instincts for cars have been polished a little, when i was crossing the road, that truck wasn't in my peripherals yet. Cmon! Just a little more! It felt like my leg was burning on the inside.

In the end it wasn't as close as I thought. The truck driver had sounded his horn because someone lost control of their dog further to my right and conpletely stopped before his truck even hit the dog. It wasn't for me at all. I was staring at the little dog, when i remembered i was on the road. *screeeeeeech* *crash*

Panicking, I rolled over a car that almost hit me from centimetres away. The driver of the car passed out, saving me the trouble of paying for reparations, the road was rather empty so I hope there were no witnesses. After avoiding from getting hit by a giant piece of metal, my body received quite an impact. It was a mental impact that made me struggle to stand up as my legs kept vibrating from fright.

Regardless, I ran as fast as I could and the fatique burned off the fright from my legs. About a half hour later, I finally arrived at my office. Sitting down on the chair, I decided to cool down with the help of the air conditioner.

As the door to my office was turning, anxiety filled my heart thinking of how my superior was going to tell me off and possibly cut my salary. I desperately needed this month's salary to buy a certain in-game item for my MMO.

*BOOOOOOOMM*, a giant white nose poked through the window...wait no...why has it gone further and expanded?! WaitWaitWait! STOP COMING CLOSER. *gorogoro**BAng*. A crimson red drips down my forehead head and ontu my cheeks.