2 - Conversing

Huh? Ah, did the debris fly at my head? Slowly, my consiousness started to waver. What the hell even happen? Why did a plane crash into my office? I was perpendicular from the direction the plane crashed through...yet I got hit by debris instead... For a while, I could hear a little whimpering to the side... Was that my boss?

Well whatever~I can't hear it anymore anyway. Guess I'm dying, shortly after I lost my sight as well and was consumed by an endless abyss. In that abyss, I could see a vague outline of giant creature fighting a man before blacking out again. How did I black out 2 layers?!

Opening my eyes, I was in a plain grass field. Tch, and i spent all that effort to avoid getting hit by a vehicle, a gOdDAmN airplane crashed into my office and dropped the walls on my head. Where am I? And why is it so breezy down there? I looked down and see a white dress flowing in the wind. WHY AM I WEARING A DRESS?!Oh, this was just something that the dead wear. I can still see my leg hair poking from under my white dress.

Guess I have no choice but to explore. Looking around, I see a small hill that could be climbed easily. At the top rest a small circular picnic table, 4 chairs and a miniature umbrella that blocked out the sun from hitting the table and chairs.

A warm breeze blows past me as I approach the small hill,at the top the air blurs around strangely.

This strange blurry air intrigued me greatly. Why is it so attractive...at the same time it gave me an extreme sense of utter repulsion.

Gradually, the blurry air formed into a shape. At first the blurs concentrated more into a humanoid shape, the closer I got. A silhouette manifests itself, showing that what I saw was in fact reality. As I went even closer, colour started to form on the figure, a deep abyss like black goth lolita styled dress appears, covering the chair on the opposite side of the table from me. It was followed by a black cardigan and finally a some black headwear and some twintails. For some reason the face was still blurry as if there was a strange filter inside my brain. Who is this person? What is the strange divine like aura being emitted? Why am I here? A bunch of questions formed in my head and persisted like parasites.

As I took a sit on the opposite chair, not comfortable sitting next to a stranger, the nose and mouth also formed up. At thay time, the gears of fate started spinning. A range of emotions filled my heart,but the most impactful one was fear. Cold sweat dripped down my back, my eyes widened and couldn't shut close. I knew at that moment, once I stood down on the chair across the strange silhouette, It was impossible to turn back.

Why? What the hell am I scared off? Why can't I relax? Those answers would come shortly after.

"My name is Zet, the god of reincarnation. You had one of the strangest deaths. Do you know why? Miraculously, you were the only person to have died. The plane kept going through the building without stopping and safely made it out of the other side with all the passengers still alive. The company lost a lot in their finances from renovation and reconstruction, but all the employees survived due to it being tea break at that time. So, I pitied you and decided to give you a second chance. You wanted to be isekaied didn't you? "(Zet)

At first I was in confusion, Zet's voice sounded like both a male's and a female's at the same time it also sounded like neither. Some of Zet's thoughts were being project into my mind, but due to not being used to it, my brain subconciously is trying to associate it with a voice, but it cannot decide on one and has been confused. But what?! It was tea break?! I had been an entire hour late to work! Shit. Well, nothing I can do about that now that I am dead.

" That's the detail you care about?! Kuhahaha! " (Zet)

" I've been wondering for a while, but isn't it rude for you to keep reading my mind?!"

" I am the god of reincarnation, what are you going to do about it? " (Zet)

"Well, I can't do anything. Anyway it wasn't suprising, considering how empty my life was, I was practically waiting for death to come take me."

"hmm, do you perhaps have any particular wishes for your next life?"(Zet)

"I want to stop being empty. Maybe its just a problem with my personality, maybe it is too trivial. But even so, I want to stop having zero expectations for myself and have a healthy personality that strives for the best like a normal person"

"hmmm, I might be able to help with that wish. But it isn't 100% because if I alter your personality completely, you would cease to exist. "(z)

"What do you mean?"

"You see, like a protein molecule, everyone's personality is a different combination of other's, If I were to completely change yours, you would cease to be yourself and your ego will just stop existing. Rest assured, your wish will be granted, but sometimes your old personality will come back out. "(Zet)

" Got it, I've made up my mind and my wish hasn't changed"

"Roger, well, it's time for your reincarnation." (Zet)

A giant circle of light covered with runes appears in the sky, beams of light shoot into the sky to reach the circle and floods my vision.

"Oh yeah, I know what your fetishes are, since I was incredibly bored, I'm going to make you reincarnate into your ideal girl as a punishment for the sins of your previous life and blabla-(Zet whispers to himself: though some people consider that as a good thing)" (Zet)

"That was bullshit, you just added the last thing on a whim! Curse you, you shitty goooooooood" The 2 ends of zet's lips curve upwards as he struggles to hold back his laughter. "Guess I have another entertaining one to watch, kuhaha! " (Zet)

I taking my hand away from my face as the light stops blinding me and dissipates. I observed my surroundings again and tried to process everything. "ANOTHER GRASS FIELD?!IS IT THAT GUYS PRANK AGAIN?" This time, I was wearing a white dress again, but it was different as the bottom part only reached my knews instead of my ankle and there were also some simple patterns engraved on the sleeves and torso. Though this time I could feel it... My son is gone! Gone were the days where I would beat my son(disclaimer:not an actual son, its a metaphor for something else:)) From a distance away, I could see one tall figure and one medium size figure run into my direction.