Dragging myself off my bedsheets, I climb into the shower and enjoyed my bath. Who knew that a fantasy world has this much development already, it all seems unnatural as some daily items like clocks and plastic have been invented, but the things like buildings and streets still had extremely old medieval architecture. It was as if technology was forcefully accelerated and some things were still antique by my world's standards as a result.
Getting out of the bath and drying myself, I picked a pale white cardigan along with a black and white striped shirt. Today, I wanted to stop wearing dresses to refresh my image and wore a purple skirt instead. I had storage magic, so I didn't really need to prepare anything else except for myself.
Entering the classroom, I was immediately met with the gaze of Fez. I guess she was more into the gamble than I thought. Was she suspicious about my thought process? Was she thinking about why I proposed that both scenarios were to her advantage? Hehe...that is welcome as well. It will take a long time, but soon it will claw at her soul.
Giving her a bright smile, I waved at her. Her immediate response was to turn away. Hehe~ how cute. Don't misunderstand, I'm not a S, it's just that I need a way to gain leverage over other people, so they could do "favours" for me.
Class started as per usual with mana control session, [mana control] helped to reduce the mana cost of spells, at tier-5 it would be a 80% reduction which was ridiculous. Due to this unique curriculum, many nobles graduate to become powerful and famous adventurers or even generals.
Rarely do people actually get to level 1000 and join the royal guard unit of the king, let alone the minimum level of 800 for the generals.
I continued to shape the mana in the air around me. It was similar to [manipulate shadow], except it was harder to "grasp" mana into my control. Screw changing the shape, let's see how much I can gather first. Pulling all the mana around me together, I tried to compress it as hard as I could. The transparent mana turned into a sphere with a shade of light grey that could fade at any moment. Securing my "grip" on this sphere of mana, I sucked in more mana from my surroundings. At this point, the force was strong enough to generate wind. Pushing harder and harder, the sphere turned to a shape of dark grey.
Turning on my [mana detection], the area around me became extremely dark. Forcing all this mana into the sphere, a dark dense sphere rested on my palms. I wonder what happens when I crush it~? About to close my palms on the sphere, a pair of hands stepped in. Taking the sphere and keeping it into his pockets, Tom-sensei reprimanded.
"Emil! That was dangerous! You shouldn't do that again." (Tom)
"Oh... Okay.."
Pretending to look sad, I could hear snickering at the corner of the classroom. Oh ho? Enemies? Victims? Targets? Not to mention female nobles. My depressed facade worked and Tom sensei took the bait. "Ah! I'm sorry for lashing out, I should have just warned you, please don't be depressed! " (Tom)
Glancing in the corner for a second, I memorised the face and angry expressions of my potential targets. Right now it was just snickering, I wonder if there will be any aggression. Smiling under my breath, I knew my days at school would be more exciting than I thought.
I wonder if I get political backing by several noble families, I can potentially take over the government.
Of course there was a possibility that I would just create more enemies for no reason and get assassinated just for competing with the heirs of the nobles. Right now I had almost nothing, but in a couple weeks, I would get support from the tsumond clan when I beat Fez at the tournament. Just my luck, to compete with the 7 families all in the same year in this generation. It was in itself a miracle to be the same age as these people. It gives me the perfect chance to climb back up on my feet...no it's a chance to go even further than my middle-class home.
After mana control class was over, the next one was basic magic theory. It was a little pointless as I've already deciphered most of the components of simple spells that I use. At this point, I only needed to know the terminology. Often times, it was extremely annoying to remember as certain components had completely random names with no semblance normal words.
One example was the component "gheztryup", it was just the component that specified the debuff effect of [Fatique]. There was a huge chance for the spell to miss and end up wasting your mana, so the spell was completely impractical unless you drain your mana like an open tap. You may argue that that awful name may be normal for a concept as abstract as magic circle components, but it's just plain stupid as there are also components with normal names like "Aqua" that was a main part of basic water spells.
When it was time for lunch, an unexpected occurence had appeared. It was at a corner of the canteen, where there weren't many students. Fez had unexpectedly invited me there to "prove her superiority".
"Here, you are just a commoner who didn't prepare lunch right? Looking at my rival not eating lunch makes me pity you a lot! Don't get me wrong, I just wanted to fight you at full strength when the tournament comes!" (Fez)
A strange warm transparent liquid flows down my cheeks as I grabbed the properly wrapped sandwich from her hands.
"Huh?" (Fez)
Turning away from her to wipe my tears, I utter my thanks with a happy look. "Thanks for worrying about me. You see~, I couldn't contact my parents for reasons, it's been a long time since I didn't have to prepare my own food."
"B... Baka! Who said I was worried about you! It was on a whim! A whim! In fact you should thank me more, I've never helped someone else before! You should be grateful!" (Fez)
Haha~, what was this tsundere saying? More importantly, was my mental state so stressed out that I cried for a sandwich? How embarrassing! Today was absurdly exhausting, maybe I should take a break from daily experience grinding every now and then.
History lesson went by smoothly as well, there wasn't much to remember and it wasn't actually tested. The only part we needed to remember was the survival tips that the instructor dropped every now and then. For those that aspired to be generals, they would memorise strategies that have been used throughout history and actually only use these things at their entrance test right before their interview. I wasn't interested in becoming a general, so I roughly just remember the outlines of history and not anything particular. One thing in particular that stuck out was that there was 21 special items spread out in the world that granted immense power to their users. I suspect that 7 of those items were the 'sin' powers, so what are the rest? Following a particular series, 10 of those items would be commandments, then what are the remaining 4?
Guess I'll leave that for the future. For the rest of the day, I was casually practicing my aim at the firing range. After a while when night time came, I went back to my dorm room as usual and rested for the next day.