Today was saturday, the first break in a while. I wonder what I should do? Having 11 mil in my agility stat allowed me to travel to Harox city in a few seconds, strolling around I thought about any activities that I could possibly invite Fez to. She's a noble right? I wonder what they do on breaks.
I've decided I was going to take a break from training for a couple of days, yet I was already itching for battle at the cave. Are there enemies stronger than the orc king? Maybe not in that cave. Dungeons like that cave generally come in 5 different difficulties, varying in the level of the enemies that spawn inside them. Normal level 1-300,medium level 301-600 and hard level 601-1000. Generally monsters cannot surpass level 1000,if they did they could surpass the strange dungeon system set up by the world system and break out of their dungeons. At the point, an elite royal guard member or two will subjugate the monster.
For a fantasy setting, there was surprisingly a library full of useful information for the general public. I thought it would have been like other fantasy serieses where information was more of a privilege and libraries were non-existent due to the inflated price of paper that only neighbours could generally afford and build a library. This world has definitely been tempered, generally technology stops advancing due to not having any actual need for it. Or maybe there was some demon king force cornering the humans and pressuring them.
From what I had asked my parents when I first came to this world, they were definitely surprised to hear "Does the demon king exist?",but they confirmed that he was indeed real and there were apparently multiple of them. Generally a demon king is stronger than a hero and required a party of heroes to subjugate one, great demon generals were as strong as heroes but paled in numbers. The reason there was less demon generals than heroes was that, due to the longer life-span of demons, they were less reproductive and had a smaller population compared to humans.
For now, the demons were easily subjugated and stopped being a problem a few centuries ago. Some human kingdoms had even established peaceful relationships and demon-related problems had slowly died out. Among the 4 human kingdoms that exist, 1 has disappeared, 1 established peace, 1 was neutral and the last one was waging a long tiring war that the demons didn't treat seriously.
Anyway, walking around and thinking of all these are tiring~ Let's go buy a crepe. After 5 minutes of waiting at the queue, I had finally reached the counter. " Blueberry, please~"
"Sure ojou-chan, that would be 4 silvers~ Here you go." (Random Uncle)
Walking away, I looked for a place to sit in the city. It was a little difficult to see as there were so many people around, if I use my speed the cream will fall out of the crepe. What is this predicament?! Getting impatient, I took a bite out of the crepe before finding a nearby fountain. "Hompf~!,..... mm~" As the cold and sweet taste of blueberry permeate my tastebuds, I sat down on the ledge of the water fountain and folded my right leg over my left. Readjusting my teal skirt, my beige cardigan swayed in the wind as I took another bite out of the crepe. Every now and then I would meet some random stranger's gaze as I bit out of the crepe. The strangers would immediately turn away when they noticed that I was looking at them. Was eating a crepe really that picturesque?
Hmmm~ Back to the main topic. Should I take Fez out for some activity? If so, what kind of activities would interest a noble? How would I contact her?! Asking a stranger, I could probably find her mansion, but would her servants let me talk to her? Or should I climb over the fence and dodge their security? Since magic exists in this world, is security as simple as before? Or do they watch for damage control as well? What if the security guard blows up the house because they thought the cockroach was an intruder?
Eh. I'll leave that for tomorrow. Walking around leisurely and eating the crepe sent the time of the day to noon, at this point the weather was quite hot and I was starting to perspire. Hu~hu~ it's so hot~, I'm no lolicon but now I don't need to be curious about how lolis smelt like when they were sweating, unlike my previous life. That was a joke! FBI don't hunt me down!
'Too late! Put your hands up you lolicon!' A strange old guy intrudes into my thoughts. Eh? Am I going insane? 'Ah, I couldn't pass up that joke, I'm just your imagination~ Woooooooo~', the creepy old guy voice fades away. Right, I'll just ignore that and continue with my day. It was a completely foreign voice that I've never heard of, so it couldn't be the voice of my previous life.
The heat got to my brain and I just tried to relax at the fountain while looking at the sky like an anime protagonist. Hey! What about a beach episode? I could invite Fez out to the Beach tomorrow! Wait, do they sell swimsuits? Walking into the shade of the buildings, I continued to walk through the streets while observing for any shops that sold swimsuits. If possible, I wanted a 2-piece that had a plain and simple colour. I wasn't the adventurous type that was into string or the meek type that wore a 1-piece similar to a school swimsuit. My hair colour already stands out with the white edges that looked like snow covered the bottom half of my black hair and eating crepe had also somehow attracted attention. So I wanted to blend in as much as possible, though Fez would either attract attention or rent the whole beach.
Finally settling on a shop with decent prices, I decided to go with purple for both pieces and a short pink pareo with floral patterns that tied around my waist and covered my some of my leg. I wonder if I could hide armour under my swimsuit and surprise opponents when they had accidentally kicked a bar of metal under my pareo. Definitely not. Equipped, I set of to invite Fez for tomorrow's beach episode.
After an hour or 2 I had found Fez's address, but it was evening. The guard at the gate looked me up and down before asking why I was there. Creepy~ Was the guard checking for weapons or was the guard just a lolicon? Saying that I was a friend of Fez, the guard got strangely passionate about Fez finally having a friend. "Awww~ Ojou-sama finally made a friend? If you are lying, I will pummel you to the ground. Ojou-sama was bad at making friends since a young age and we didn't expect her to finally socialise in school!" (Guard)
"Wait!! Uncle fredrick, stop telling guest embarrassing things!!!!" (Fez)
Fez had come running, I assume this wasn't the first time the guard was telling strangers embarrassing things about the owner of the mansion.