Pressing his palms to the ground, the sclera went back to a more natural colour while stakes of metal rose towards the top of the hill of corpses, towards me. Fumu, unless it was tier 5,which I doubt he could achieve at level 70, it can't even touch me. Using [manipulate shadow], I sent similar stakes of darkness to intercept the metal stakes. Tearing through, the stakes of darkness eventually reached the ground, obliterating the steel stakes and the ground, causing clouds of dust to rise into the air.
The mana fluctuated violently as metal stakes dug through the hill of corpses trying to reach me. To show how hopeless it was, I smash the stakes to pieces with my fingers. I guess he must be grieving for his army, if we add more despair and break him, maybe we can make him a puppet. Leaping down the hill, I lightly used my palm to mash everything below his spine off. Rewinding time to back to when his legs were still where they are supposed to be, I proceeded with negotistions.
" As you can see here, I can revive the dead. If you serve me, I might pity you and revive your whole army back to normal. Well? How about it? You get to live and your friends get to come back. Isn't that good for you?"
Producing a contract from darkness, I waited for him to sign it with his blood. It wasn't true contract slave magic, it was just a placebo. Subconciously, he knew it was fake since there was absolutely no chanting, but if his mind was too damaged, he wouldn't notice. His elbows shivered as his breathing grew ragged and his pupils shifted. "huh~huh~huh~" (Vikarv)
To be clear, his army was just skewered by shadow stakes, they weren't evaporated, so they should still be okay to revive. They would just have extremely little blood the more we wait. "So, I just have to serve you?hu~hu~" (Vikarv)
"Everything you have will be mine."
"And... That will bring them back?" (Vikarv)
"Yep, though I can't give a guarantee.
" Alright. "(Vikarv)
Pricking his thumb with a small needle generated by mana, he pressed his thumb against the block of shadow that held the contract. Pretending it was real, I used a small [fireball] under the block of shadow to lit it up.
With that, I had the backing of another great family. Their weaponry was superb, I would have been subjugated if I didn't have my speed, or if [manipulate shadow] was one tier lower. At tier 3,the amount of force exerted by the shadows was dependant on my willpower, at tier 4 it depended on my mana instead, so it made a really huge difference. Any other tier 4 spell may as well been useless in the fight as well, that was how durable the tanks were. Even piercing them with shadow stakes, I could feel the pressure of the steel bursting from the top of my corpse pile.
Well, I guess it was time to revive my future army. Using 'wrath', a strange pressure covers the battlefield as 80% of the soldiers came back to life. My mansion was returned and repaired for any possible damage as I ordered the army to go back. Having a personal army was extremely useful, fighting another army without one was just extremely inefficient for my physical build. I could always fire [void beam] and watch fireworks along with red flowers, but you have to admit. Commanding your own army is quite cool.
From what I could access, there was several tank battalions and and twice the number of foot soldiers. These soldiers were seperated into a few divisions that had different purposes. Going back into mansion, I decided to finally relax by preparing bath. Entering the tub, I sunk myself down as I laid my back on the side. Surprisingly, my skin was quite fair, as if I never go outside my whole life. My hair floated around as I bask in the warmth of the water. Hmm, ever since I fully reincarnated, I hadn't actually cut my hair. Now that I look closely, it roughly reached my elbows when I stand up.
Should I tie it next time? Would a ponytail or a twintail do? Strange concerns well up inside as I enjoyed my bath. What a strange colour... It was completely black, except that it had white on the far edges. Neither of my parents had this condition. Perhaps it was only unique to me. Now that I've thought of it, the only thing seperating myself from the other residents of this world was reincarnation. Both my parents had deep black hair, contrary to the usual brown everywhere. Perhaps when I finished recalling my memories into this new body, it placed ridiculous amounts of stress at the end. You always see in anime and light novels, stress = white hair.
My speed is extremely high as is, I wonder if a stronger opponent will show up and I just wasn't at a high enough level to fight them. Looking at my status board, it turned out that I had gone to the level 800s.
Name: Emily Shuu
Level: 832 Points:0
Health: 700 000 000/700 000 000
Mana: 2 055 000/2 055 000
Strength: 20 000 000
Vitality: 70 000 000
Intelligence: 248 500
Agility: 1 513 040 000 000
<[Physical immunity-tier 3 —> tier 4]>
<[All element resistance-tier 3 —>tier 4] >
Killing humans was definitely the way to go if I wanted to level faster, but it feels kind of cheap. I'll just use the 'duels' to gather exp as a side quest, I guess. Fuh~ Getting out of the bath, I picked a new set of clothes. This was a first, but it was a lavendar mini skirt, a black shirt and a navy blue cardigan. Well, I won't wear the cardigan at home, that would be strange. Collapsing on the bed, I fell asleep.
Uuuugh~, even in this world, I still hate mornings. As if dragging a corpse, I would periodically lunge forward lazily, just to get off the bed. Pushing myself off the ground, I went through my usual morning routine before using [shadow-step] to teleport into class. Laying my head on the table, I waited for the teacher to enter the classroom. In the side of my peripheral vision, I could feel James's strange affectionate gaze. What a creep~
Vikarv enters the classroom with a seemingly horrified look. 'How did she revived all those people?! Is she a goddess? I hear even at tier 5,people could usually only heal themselves for their whole mana pool. Afterall, reviving the dead was like playing god.' After a few minutes, he had a strange reverance to his expression. Alright, I won't poke the hornet's nest for that one.
I guess my next target was Sigare von kinaur. Sigar was the heir of the great family that specialised in the nature element. Noticing my gaze, Sigare returns a glare.