43 - confrontation part 3

Entering the mansion of the fire lord, by this time I had leveled up to level 847 from all the previous fights. Activating my [Stealth] and other sub skills, I search for him to arrive at the largest room in the mansion. There were multiple couches around, a campfire and an expensive carpet. This was likely a guest room, was he waiting for me?

Standing from the couch facing the campfire, he turns around to face the entrance of the guest room, where I was standing. Unlike the previous 2 families, this one radiated a dangerous aura that exceeded that of my uncle's. The vadim family was quite rich, not enough to compete with the great families, but my uncle, the lord was apparently strong enough to compete in combat.

It seemed that I can't relax at all, if I even let up a little of my guard, I will get killed. At least that was what I felt when I walked into the room. Disappearing into thin air at a speed I cannot flow, a bright blue fist manifests in my torso. Coughing out blood, my mind was torn from the pain that felt like I was bathing in lava. Tch, it seemed I can't hold back anymore. From this point onwards, more absurdly strong opponents may attack me. So I needed to use something that was unique to myself, 'wrath'.

Escaping his attack, I healed myself as I thought of my next actions. Everytime, I could feel a small amount of heat before he attacks. Using that smalk sensation to dodge to the best of my ability, I used [shadow step] to teleport around as well. A constant state of moving around and watching our opponent's next move, I wonder how long the both of us could keep this up.

Slowly, a thread of darkness with [illusion] on it was spread around the room. There was a chance that he could literally melt those threads, but I needed to try something. Teleporting in the air, the area around me detonated and the room was decimated. My blood rushed out my throat as I continued to run around in order to dodge his attacks. Maybe I should set up a bait. Gradually, I pretended to be exhausted, slowly my breathing would get ragged and my legs would "struggle" to move.

After a solid 5 minutes, the lord went in for the attack. Materialising behind me, I immediately stopped time. Fuh~ Relaxing my body, I turned around at the face of frustration. He was just as impatient as I was and wanted to end the fight. Was it grief for his son? Vengeance? Or was he frustrated because he can't defeat me? Whatever it was, I'll never know. Opening my palm, I acticated [Abyssal dome] and casted [soul reap]. Allowing time to move again, his lifeless body drops on the carpet with a thud with his whites in his eyes showing.

Now it was just the Zakwin clan. The outcome was similar to the previous fight. Looking back, the fire lord's fist was comparable to a nuclear bomb. The fact that my regeneration and vitality barely made it through to minimise it's effect on my combat capabilities surprises me. Well those are level 800s for you. This last task today was to negotiate with the Wasuri clan.

Putting on a fancy white dress that Fez helped to prepare on one of our weekends together, I teleported right outside their mansion. There was a look of shock on the security guard's face as I flashed a smile and walked in without a care. There just happened to be a butler to explain things before the guard went wild. Funny enough, the guard looked like they were forfeiting their life before they were told I was just having a discussion.

Led to the guest room, I sat down on the couch, and to make my legs comfortable I folded one over the other before bringing the tea cup to my lips. Giving a little blow, I closed my eyes and relaxed as I took a small sip. Maybe I was just exhausted, maybe it was to test if they wanted to assassinate me. Who knows~?

"So I've heard that you wanted to negotiate a non-aggression treaty. What are the conditions?"

"None at all." (Sireos)

" None at all?!" ( Me and Jessald)

He donned a moderate-length grey beard along a grey business suit with his red tie that contrast his grey clothing. Under his grey shirt, there was a white shirt, his overall attire showed that he had pride in his impressions for other people. He would looked to be the shrewd business man type that tricked their competitors with a sly attitude. So believe me when I say that he sounded surreal when he said there was no conditions.

"What makes you different from the other families? Why do you choose this option?"

"Are you kidding? As the family thats dabbled in business the most, it would be suicide to not have an intelligence department to pick up on trends and enemy movements. What makes you think we could defeat a walking calamity like you?" (Sireos von Wasuri)

I could recognise the look in those eyes, they were the same as mine when I fought with uncle. There was resolve, determination for survival. Halfway through the fight was just a series of gambles afterall.

" You do know my objective right?"

"What are you talking about?" (Sireos)

" I wouldn't forget something as important as my objective. Forget trying to trick me."

"Tch, I thought in this circumstance, the best possible scenario was no lost but no gain either. Fine, I promise you the backing of the Wasuri clan. I've a contract prepared before hand. Just let me ask, what are you going to do once you have the backing of 7 families? Wage war? "(Sireos)

" It.is.a.se.cret~". How could I tell a stranger with a straight face, that all this blood shed was just for me to be adopted into the royal family in a bet against the king. With this, I had complete control over 4 families, the support of 2 families, and now it boils down to the final family. Said to be the strongest, specialist of the light element, the Hisonne clan.

I doubt this people would just surrendar so easily, I can expect the biggest battle I've ever faced in my life. The lords would usually have mastered over theid individual element or at least a big aspect of it, for example the fire and the wind lord can dissipate into smoke and electricity respectively. Some lords may not exactly be different from the others, and some may be completely alien, ultimately it may have been decided by compatibility. Too bad my stats were monstrous and my arsenal was quite flexible, this won't be so easy for the Hisonne clan either.

In some case, their territoy may as well disappear from the destruction that is about to unfold.