Waiting at the gate of the entrance was a Beautiful girl in her teens, she had previously been with an amateur group of adventurers, but that same group faced a bad end. Iyori grimaced as she thought about how 3 of her close friends that had stuck with her for a long time are now dead. She had hardened leather covering her chest and joints and enchanted chain mail covering the rest of her lower body. There were some charms and magic items on her arms that boosted her capabilities and a medium sized staff on her right hand. The staff looked more like a sword as it was thin and black and had a blade at the end like a miniature spear. Her black hair was tied into a ponytail as her mint eyes complimented her shy-like aura she had around her. Some adventurers were looking over while others were minding their own business. Information had spread fast in the adventuring community that she was meeting with high level elites and therefore should not be messed with. Only the ignorant ones were staring at her with perverted intent.
The meeting time was approaching, Iyori nervously tooked out her time tracking magic item to make sure she wasn't early or late. The device was checked before hand to make sure it was accurate as such devices deteriorated over time. It was this world's version of a clock. Just as the second hits the planned timing, a distortion in space forms in front of Iyori. Walking through were 3 people, 2 girls and 1 guy. Many people would be jealous of that guy to be able to socialise with 3 beauties, but they know it was impossible for someone of their status. After all, these 3 were children of the highest ranking noble families.
A blond haired guy who initially had a frivolous look but toned down so as not to annoy his peers, James. He donned some casual shirt and pants as his skills were far more effective than armour and his strength could destroy any sword. Though he has a plain looking sword at his side, the noticeable trait was a strange scarlet jewel on the middle of the hilt.
The next was a Grey haired beauty name Fez, her hair was let loose as she wore a violet shirt and some black pants. There was metal plate armour covering certain parts of her body like the back and her fore arms. She had a mysterious looking suitcase, but other than that, she had no other weapon.
The last one was the strangest one. She had beautiful shoulder length black hair that flowed like silk, each strand of hair ended in a white tint. It gave the look that her hair was half black and half white, with white filling in the edges and the bottom half. Another peculiar trait was that she wears a dress during battle which can limit movement, though today she was wearing a mini skirt which was much more normal with more ease on her movements.
She had metal plate armour just like the grey or silver haired beauty but this one's armour was somehow positioned stylishly. Plates started from the hips and flow down the length of the mini skirt, it also covered a small portion of her waist which she likes to place her hands on in he relaxed standing posture. She had a purple jacket that covered her bare shoulders exposed by her sleeveless black shirt.
Her tights had this enticing taboo feeling that may make you want to tear it apart,though there were 2 things stopping that from happening. One reason was the more obvious fact, it was illegal, and the second reason was that it was impossible to break through her space distorting defense. Yes, this was the one that had planned the whole adventuring expedition. Her name was Emily, the walking calamity. There were rumours that she had defeated the demon lord and videos showing she was above level 300 at a very young age. Considering that Fez and James were level 800 and that Emily could defeat them, it wouldn't be strange for Emily to be in the high 900s.
Well it was time anyway, I should probably stop idling around and call out to them. "Hey guys! Over here!" (Iyori)
Stepping through the gate, I was met with the scream of a familiar voice. It was Iyori, ah! I hope I wasn't late. She didn't seem angry so it must not be the case. The planned time was in the afternoon after school had ended, but I had forgotten to do my homework so my trip back home was delayed. I could just stop time or use my agility, but that wouldn't be fair to the teacher and the other students so I took around 10 minutes. Well, I'm just relieved that I made it on time.
"Shall we begin?"
"Yes!" (Iyori)
Letting us in, we had a first hand look at our own teamwork in the dungeons. Iyori was only level 100+ and couldn't heal that much. At this point, Fez had a useful ability that chips away monster health by percentages. Each orb she shot would erase 10% of the monster's health and she didn't hesitate to rain them down on the enemy. It was hard to accurately hit the targets anyway, so she had to constantly fire them for any effect or all her attacks would be dodged. This heavily helped in making the enemy immobilised, so that Iyori can kill it and take the exp.
We made it really quick to level 700 with Iyori in her level 400s,we basically power leveled her up by 300 levels. She was a healer, but we didn't need it so she used all the heals on herself to clear the fatique plaguing her legs. Going 70% of the dungeon in a few hours required a lot of walking after all. She almost died once from heat stroke if I hadn't used 'wrath' to rewind her time. Due to this, her regeneration skills had improved immensely that she could become a tank aside from her usual role as a healer. With the possible route opened by being a tank, she could evolve into a paladin.
"Emily!" (James)
"Firing countdown! 1! 2! Fire!" (Fez)
"Iyori, boost our mana recovery!"
"Yes!" (Iyori)
At high levels, stats have become so high that percentage damage or percentage healing was more useful. Natural mana recovery was based on mana pool, our mana reserves are always recharged in an hour, that makes the recovery rate:
mana reserve/3600 per second
Boosting our recovery rates would be the better choice as Iyori was still too low level for the spells with more direct effects like 'heal 500hp' to have any noticeable effect. With the time going by quickly, we got used to each other's roles in a party and had fun. Well, Iyori almost died, but she'll get stronger.