76 - Day 2 part 2

Beams of destruction flew by as James ran towards the enemies. In total, there was around 40 primal wyvern, their levels ranging from 600-700. Swiftly cutting down with his plain looking sword, his blond hair fluttering from the shock waves emitted by his slashes. Usually the hide and scales of the primal wyvern were very tough due to their extreme vitality value that ranges above 2 million which was a lot for a level 600. Each one by itself could be regarded as a boss monster, due to its troublesome nature, adventurers typically avoid confronting them. This caused their numbers to boom but they usually stay in their nest, with outside sightings rising.

Bisected in half, the wyvern upper body slides off from the clean cut. Destructive dark orbs rained down from above, gouging the earth and wyvern alike, it was Fez's new attack. This attack could cause the land and air itself to be cursed, any contact with the area affected would barrage the victim's body with many different debuffs that slowly ate away at their health, both mental and physical. "[Ultra dense curse missiles] [Mythical dark orbs]" (Fez) The second attack dealt damage to enemies at a percentage of their health, Fez herself could decide between 10-16%. At this point, there were multiple situations that had just been as intense, this let Iyori get used to the party extremely quick. We had gone for about 3 hours, our roles had been solidified to make the most out of our teamwork. Instead of 4 individuals, we had achieved an amateur level in reading each other's moves and deciding how to support int hat particular situation.

My role was to be the tank and draw the attention of the enemies, though James would also jump in occasionally saying "not to push myself too hard", even though I had more stamina than him. James' role was the vanguard, the moment attention had been locked onto me, he would swiftly engage and cut the enemies down. Fez was a textbook rearguard, she fires destructive magic attacks from the back to provide cover fire and makes sure to warn us if there was an ambush from the back. The last member was Iyori, she functioned as the rear support, either giving buffs to our attack and defense or helping recover mana and health.

I had pretty much gone over the normal maximum level of 1000 and could easily run these monsters into the ground, but Iyori and the rest needed experience, so I had to hold back to let them take the kills. After we had dealt with the nest of Primal wyvern, we had to go through the last section in order to go to the next area. It was the boss room, it appeared at the end of every area, each area had monsters within the range of a hundred levels. For example, the first area consisted of monsters level 1-100,the next area 101-200 and etcetera. Right now we were going to face the boss area of the 7th section so the boss should be level 700.

Usually bosses needed a whole party of adventurers at a similar level to defeat, but James and Fez were in their 800s and Iyori was in the 500s. Though their levels were sufficiently high, there were only 2 of them. Adding to the fact that Iyori was too low level, this would either end as a disaster or a very long fight. But all of that was if I was absent, now that I was here, they could take all their time chipping at the boss's health.

Entering the boss room always had this simple ritual to fulfill at every location. We had to inject mana into the door, this caused the door to glow and unlock the dungeon mechanism. If we were to forcefully break through, the mechanism wouldn't activate and there would be no boss to fight. The door on the other side would be locked tighter than the first one, if broken through to the next section, the dungeon activate's its defense system and erases the victim. This dungeon was in the center of the city, it had this mysterious atmosphere to it and had stronger monsters than natural dungeons. The strange defense mechanism of the dungeon was still an unsolved mystery. Nobody knew what it was as nobody comes back to tell the tale, we only know that they never come back.

A light blue glow expands across the door like veins, except that the glowing lines only turn at 90 degree angles, like those weird sci-fi technology you see in movies. With a loud dragging sound, the door opens up to reveal the boss room. Inside was a giant spectral dragon that almost filled a quarter of the room just by standing, it was a transparent white outline of a dragon along with the minor features like scales also being outlined. It seemed to be the type that could ignore physical attacks, that made a lot of professional adventuring parties at a disadvantage. Fortunately, our party was quite versatile.

Cladding himself in a yellow aura that screams semi-physical semi-magical fighting method, James headed in the block the spectral dragon's attack. Its large wings showering transparent shards of destruction that could each wipe out a whole building. Iyori's [Multi-barrier] couldn't hold up so I had to activate [Abyss control] to compensate. It just had that much destructive ability, enough to obliterate a high level paladin barrier. Creating my scythe out of [Abyss control], it was created by magic so it was quite effective.

Flicking my wrist a few times, bright white lacerations appear across the spectral dragon's body and some parts of the room. From those white glowing lacerations, it looked like they formed a few clouds before those clouds converge on each other, unleashing giant balls of energy. At the end, the spectral dragon was almost completely destroyed from that single attack. Fez applied a few debuffs to keep it immobile and bring its health down to the very minimum. Walking forward with a sword made of light, this was a new skill that came with Iyori's paladin class. The 3 of us made way to the left and right, an imaginary red carpet for Iyori to walk towards the half dead Spectral dragon.

Using [Abyss control] and [reality displacement], the sword of light wielded by Iyori was engulfed by a black aura and expanded to 3 times it's usual length. It also became extremely light, the [reality displacement] affecting the weight of the weapon and the strength stat of Iyori. In a black flash, the spectral dragon burst into many particles, showering the air like snowflakes.

It was the last necessary push for Iyori to get to level 600. A few skills were gained from her level up, now she had the abilities to be a competent rear guard, she could form a party with someone else and live a comfortable life if she wanted. Well, this was something like volunteer work for me anyway, it didn't matter if she chose to stop being in our party. We don't regularly go to dungeons, since we already had a high amount of levels and money anyway, it wouldn't benefit her to stay with us.