114 - retaliation

Mysterious symbols and lines... No... Strangely I could read them. They glowed a brilliant colour of white with blue outlines, the symbols themselves continuing to shift around and morph, as though the spell had more than 1 stage. Deciphering the symbols, I could deduce that it had something to do with the water surrounding me.

Water manifested out of thin air, or more accurately the surrounding mana. This was a high level automatic barrier catalyst, to draw mana from the air. It roughly outlines a circular area around my vicinity, the wild sloshing echoing in my surroundings. The liquid was a murky blue, by no means was it clean. How unsettling... The water rose to the ceiling, completely entrapping me. A flash of fear invaded my mind scape, but it was quickly disposed off.

Fortunately enough, the enemy was nearby. Though there were multiple fake signals, it wasn't much of a problem. This couple hours of training had honed my [Demonic energy] handling to a ridiculous degree. My adrenaline filled bout of slaughtering monsters had roughly awakened a strange fighting stance in my body. It was so foreign, yet so familiar. In any case, such thoughts were meaningless in the present situation.

The water barrier collapses onto my body, no... It had expanded to fill the whole area. A thin layer of ice invisible to the naked eye blocks me from the escaping to the outside. At the present, I would have to expend a large amount of [demonic energy] to break through the ice, unfortunately it would heat up and cause a steam explosion in my face. Breaking the ceiling or flooring would just waste energy as the water expands and take shape to fill in the space.

I had no use for escaping the barrier. Activating [demonic energy] outside the barrier, mana was directly converted into [demonic energy], and [demonic energy] was used to remove all the oxygen in the vicinity. In this world, demons were still extremely similar to humans. Though they can last longer while taking in less food and water, oxygen was still a necessary substance for survival. Creating an enormous vacuum in an instant, the oxygen was sucked out of the enemy's lungs.

Let's see who would asphyxiate first.

Met with such circumstances, one would instantly think to escape. However if the demon tried to go through the barrier, they would be incinerated by [Demonic energy] . Dispersing the barrier would trigger the secondary barrier to detonate the first barrier. That was all assuming there was enough oxygen for the enemy to think calmly. Naturally, they have no understanding of the situation.

For now, I have to conserve my energy. Standing takes energy, moving to a sitting posture takes more energy. At most I could only last one more minute. I needed to defeat this enemy and escape within my time limit. Using [Illusion-tier 2], I sent phantom attacks to harrass their movements. Combining [Dagger arts-tier 2] and [Demonic energy], stalagmites were broken off and sent flying mixing in with the phantom attacks.

"[Sustenance barrier] [Multi barrier] [Muscle rejuvenation] [Bright fist] [enhanced thought process] [Demonic constitution] " (Demon)

"Tch!! [Demonic energy] "

With his barrier, he was able to suck in mana from the surroundings and create an environment that made him self-sustaining. Mana was created into everything that he needed to continue living. He didn't need to worry about the vacuum anymore, unfortunately I reached my time limit and had to reveal my hand. Using [Demonic energy], I seperate all the water into hydrogen and water and formed a [Demonic energy] barrier. Just a little fire spell and he could detonate the inside of his entrapping water barrier.

Water had started rising up, as if to replenish the lost water. The ice wall on the other hand was still there. This environment wasn't natural, I needed to escape quick, though my life was on the palm of the enemy. I'll just have to break through from the outside.

With his buffs, the demon leaped forth with a burst in his speed. The vacuum putting up no resistance to his attack.

Unable to resist, a smile crept up my face. "Heh. [Shadow step-tier 3] [Demonic energy]."

Utilising [shadow step]'s anti-gravity, the demon's body was forcefully pulled back from one side and pushed from the other, while the [Demonic energy] barriers wrapped around his body.

" [Demonic energy]. Detonate and go to hell."

A bright flash of light penetrates the lower level sections of the dungeon. Subsequently, the ice wall was broken off and the anti-gravity served to pull off most of the heat. I was also pulled along, away from the water before a steam explosion occurred.

" *coughcough* ughh, some of the water got into my mouth."

"You... Don't think you've won." (Demon)

Picking ourselves up, fatigue clouded my movements while blood flooded through the demon's wounds. The both of us weren't in the top condition to fight considering what had transpired, but needless to say, we still have to fight.

Activating [Stealth] [Illusion] and [Shadow step], a shock wave was left behind as I vanished from my initial location. Stretching all my muscles at once, my mind had just started producing adrenaline, washing away the hazy effect of my fatigue. In an instant, the distance was closed and we were at breathing distance. Warm humid air arose from his mouth, the vapours landing on my cheek and hand as I dealt the final blow with my fist.

" [Continuous instant movement] [Bright fist] [Demonic constitution Ex] " (demon)

Missing my blow completely, I redirected my fist with [Shadow step]'s anti-gravity effect into the ground. The ground shook as a couple words parted from my lips. Along with a final curve on my lips.

" You-?! "(Demon)

"[Demonic energy]"

"[Frost of the ice god]- *BOOM* AGHGHHGGHG!!!! " (Demon)

Right after darkness consumed the dungeon area, a bright flash of light followed. Darker and colder than ever before, the temperature had dropped so low that I wondered if I was dead. It seems the detonation of the remaining [Demonic energy] had blown a chunk in the ice filling the dungeon space.

My body was entrapped in lifelessness, my limbs refusing to budge. I had lost all feeling and senses, there was no longer a direction to follow, a solution to win the battle. Even mana itself was frozen shut in the ice, without it I couldn't produce [Demonic energy] With the mana flow frozen shut, it cost incredible amounts to do anything at all. Huh. Is this what it was like to lose a battle? To lose my life?

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die....

Heat was seeping out of my body at a ridiculous rate. It wouldn't be long before I lose my life. What was so satisfying about this life? Why am I being targeted by demons? It hasn't even been a month since I woke up... I'm... Not suppose to die here...


A whisper echoes through the small ice cavern formed from the recent explosion. It was soft, gentle and chimed like a bell. Though there was a gloomy and monotonous tone, revolving around it like a planet revolving around a star. You could ignore it and immerse in the soft and sharp voice, echoing through the hearts of those who hear it. Or comprehend it in its entirety.

"... [D...[De...[Dem...[Demo...[Demonic....[Demonic ener..... [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] [Demonic energy] Convert all the mana you touch into more [Demonic energy] and turn this place into hell... "