115 - To fight

Why is it that people fight? Why is it that people want to win? This world is worthless. Life is worthless. Everything is worthless. What is value if everything is worthless. It seems value is given by the person, the owner, the wielder, the winner. If my life is worthless, then I'll have to give it worth. If everything is hopeless, then I'll have to fight.

[Demonic energy], a type of energy that is far more efficient than mana, a type of energy that exists in a different wavelength, a type of energy that does not need to be converted to cause destruction.

Energy was taken. Temperature, heat was taken. Movement was taken. Everything was taken. You cannot take something if you don't have another thing. In this case, where was my [Demonic energy] coming from? Mana in the air was frozen. My life was nearly frozen. What can I even take anymore if I don't have anything. Where can I even take from if I don't have anything. The answer was simple. The source of skills. Or the displayer of skills. Or the giver of skills. The world system. The skill [Demonic energy] in it's purest, most sense, most potent form, can take from anywhere, any time, any space.

Rampaging in the dungeon space, the ground, the walls, the ceiling was my will. My power. My spirit. My fiery. My weapon. And my resolve. If everything was to be taken away from me, like what the ice was doing, then I will have to take back. To take back is to have strength. Simply strength will not do as well, if everything had a limit. [Skills], abilities, talents, wits, determination, resolve. A multitude of things were required to be the best. Do I have those things? I'm not sure. But that would be a simple matter. I'll just have to take those things as well.

Rampaging in the walls, ceiling, floor of the dungeon cave was [Demonic energy]. Rampaging in the walls, ceiling, floor of the dungeon cave was my will. Was my will so weak? No... My life depended on it. So even if I die, I have to wring it all out, continue burning my spirit, until the flame puts itself out. Everything rode on this. The demon was knocked out by the previous explosion. The demon was going to wake up. But would it matter? No. Because my resolve will never burn out. My resolve to be the strongest.

It was as if I had regained something vital to being. Regain? No... That was just part of the curse... Haha... Why am I still calling it a curse... A curse has negative effects, this unidentifiable phenomenon was just giving my life colour. It was time. The demon would be waking up. Would I make it? Will my fighting spirit melt the ice? That would be a triviality. The strange phenomenon filling my life with colour was like a boundless source of that burning spirit. A source? No... It was mine, and it's still mine. It was not taken from anywhere, but merely returned. I took back a vital piece of my being.

I have...finally identified this strange occurrence. It was no curse, but a blessing. My memories were stimulated. That was all it was. Even the willpower flowing into my conscious was not being returned by the strange phenomenon. It was my existing willpower growing at an extreme speed, that I mistook for being helped by an unknown hand. It was the fruits of my effort. This resolve... To fight... To protect? No... I have nothing that needs protecting, instead I have a burning passion. I will make this silent vow, to keep my resolve and look for strength...to fight!


"... Ughh!! Knocked out... Huh

That should be okay, my ice should have-... Frozen time... " (Demon)

"Hello... It seems you have awaken. I broke from containment in time. The fight won't be as easy anymore."

"... Die. [Continuous instant movement] [Bright fist] [Demonic constitution Ex] [Fist of the demon kind(imitation]

" (demon)

" Your attack means nothing. Behold, my requiem of death. [Demonic energy] [Shadow step] "

The anti-gravity effect of [Shadow step] did not specify it's limit. The more mana I poured into it, the stronger it pulls. I practically had an infinite source if I sucked out [Demonic energy] from the world system and converted it into mana. A pressure was immediately exerted on the surrounding area, the super hard dungeon material giving in. The demon's limbs dropping to the ground and sinking in.

It looked as if pressure was only applied from the top, but that would be easily evaded. Pressure was applied from all directions, even the bottom to prevent escape. There was simply more pressure from the top relative to the other directions.

Multiple [Demonic energy] barriers form in the vicinity, each layer has the width of an atom, the hardness proportional to the quantity of compressed energy, stacking 1000 layers. When my control improves, more will form in a shorter amount of time. Every second 0.000 034 seconds, 1000 layers are formed. Slowly, more and more energy was shoved into a tiny space and presented in front of the demon.


It seemed that the enemy had panicked. Only the last skill had an effect of removing the anti-gravity as [shadow step] was a dark elemental attack.

"haa~haa~ you...will pay...for this. [Abyss bind] [Dark spear] [Control incantation] rain down spears! " (Demon)

The [Demonic energy] barriers were still present. They were not affected by [dispel barrier skill] as it wasn't a barrier skill. Seeing as he escaped the super anti-gravity, I had enlarged the barriers to give him space. With his newly regained room, he could produce as many spears as he wants. Too bad, in all that madness he had forgetten to check if the [demonic energy] barriers were still there. He must have assumed they were gone when he created the spears.

Dark ominous spirals manifested in the air, spinning ever so slightly as if waiting to be launched and spun even more. Launching them down, the first spear had penetrated the first 10 000 barriers, the second 500,the third 20,the forth 4,the fifth 1. Each time the barriers were destroyed, only one point of the layer was penetrated. What happens to the rest of the layer? It detonates. The force pushing the other spears back until the 6th spear could not even penetrate a single layer. Each detonation draining the space of oxygen and destroying the demon's hp.

"Wha... Ho-" (Demon)

"Are you done? Let's end it. [Demonic energy]"

Activating my skill while the enemy was confused, they could not use [frost of the ice god]. There was no longer any hesitation. Human-like or not, nothing will block my way again. Squeezing my palm, all the remaining layers collapse on the demon while [Shadow step]'s anti-gravity was used to contain the explosion. Turning around, I shielded my eyes from the brightness that would occur. Of course, I only contained it from my side of the dungeon.

A fiery wave of destruction floods the other side of the dungeon, swallowing anything in it's way, reaching the level 350 section of the dungeon. I was at the level 250 section. It had completely consumed 2 sub areas of the dungeon.