What the heck... Was that... I have to get back... To Cress.
My body was tattered and exhausted, after the fiery inferno that blew across the dungeon, low level monsters had started to gather. Attracted to the light, beings of inhumane origins gather. Their bodies wriggling and shaking, some lacking flesh, a few even lacking bones. Monstrosities of all kinds had gathered, bringing with them the dead bodies of some trampled adventurers.
In order to return, I just have to beat this whole horde. It was simple, yet it wasn't. I couldn't rest now if I valued my life. Using a barrier will allow them to push through with the dead bodies of other monsters. [Demonic energy] barrier had the property to burn and fry anything that passes through, but it wasn't solid. I was only able to rest in my barrier previously as I concentrated on killing the incoming monsters before they reached me.
"Fuh~ It seems there are others asking for more. I'll accept it, I'll kill all of you. "
Exercising my full speed, adrenaline floods my veins as my fatigue faded like a dream I just awoke from. Aiding my footing with [Shadow step], the anti-gravity pushed me in directions to pull off the important maneuvers. My beginner's dagger had long rusted and deteriorated beyond use, I needed a new one.
Well, it was fine. It wasn't normal, but I tend to rely on my fist more. Clad in an aura of [Demonic energy], a faint purplish hue emanated from my skin before vanishing. Concentrating all my will into my fist, a darker hue of purple manifests around it. Pressure was being exerted around my knuckles and fingers, as if the weight of two mountains were trying to pry it open. My arm giving in to the ground before I could blink. My breath became a little laboured as the enemies inch closer. Twisting the corners of my lips, a smile forms, producing an unusual atmosphere.
This pressure, I can just drag it as I run and swing it like a mace. Pivoting on my left foot, I bend my heels before sending my strength into my feet. Springing forth with the energy in my joints, I brought forth my fist covered in a dark purplish aura. Landing the first hit, the enemies had disappeared for a second.
A shock wave echoes through the dungeon, bouncing off the walls, floor and ceiling, as if to convey the shock. But where had all my enemies disappear to? Did a high level magic type monster teleport them away? Teleportation was suppose to only appear from at least level 600 onward, extremely rarely in level 500. It didn't seem like a concealment skill or my own concealment skills would react, giving them away.
Something wet hit the back of my head. Gradually the sound of rain engulfs the area. It sounded like rain, but it wasn't rain. It was because the liquid dripping down was crimson in colour. The monsters didn't disappear, they had turned into red mist that evaporated from the pressure into vapour. Once the vapour reached the ceiling, it condensated back into liquid. It had affected the enemies in a funnel shape, or an upside-down pyramid in it's range. Leaving 2 meagre corners of monsters left.
Though my situation was much more advantageous than before, the remaining monster had stolen some of the exp by standing in the way. Experience was just energy with nowhere to go, except for the person that reaped the exp. If someone stood in the way, nothing is stopping them from taking it for themselves. It was why no one had qualms about partying with other adventurers. They would trade safety for a portion of the exp.
A large insect-like bipedal creature charges from the right. [Dagger arts] activated, causing my dagger throwing to be enhanced. Picking up a rusty sword that broke in half, I swung it at the insect monsters horn-like mandibles. [Shadow step]'s anti-gravity pushes me out of the charging trajectory as I sever the tough steel like material with my strength. Taking advantage of it' s structure, the insect monster could not turn his single mandible face around fast enough, before I struck it's body with my [Demonic energy] clad fist.
' [Regrow horn] [armour repair] [Trajectory territory] [Final insect armour Ex] '($#!?)
Glowing gold with a hint of silver, the insect monster grew 5 times larger. It's bipedal legs growing more akin to that of a human's but with the colour's of a bug' s shell. It's remaining legs transforming into 4 arms. Every limb seemed to be packed with muscles, giving it an extreme physique.
Wrapping the severed mandible, I packed it with [Demonic energy] before taking a swing. Sweat and fatigue plagued my conscious as I move my arm, sending a purple shock wave that cleared the remaining enemies. The only one left was the insectoid monster thay was completely unaffected and a skeletal warrior from the other side of my peripheral vision. This warrior had started glowing with a jet black aura that gave off a putrid smell. It was likely an effect that messed with the mind. Staying close for long periods of time would drive people insane.
My rusty broken sword perishing from use, my only weapon left was my fist. If the sword wrapped in [demonic energy] couldn't do the job, what can I even do? A electrifying streak flashed across my conscious. It was an idea, an old idea. Though, I have no choice to replicate it. These monsters had evolved into boss level adversaries.
Pushing my will against the limit, I strained all my mental strength to convert my boundless [Demonic energy] into mana, to activate [Shadow step]'s anti-gravity. Crushing the monsters into the ground with pressure, it took everything to hold them down. Let's start by crushing them together. Holding both my arms up, I gave a large clap. *pam!* The monsters had formed craters from the earlier attack, the ground shifts unsteadily, giving way to the newest attack. Boring through the ground with sheer force, their defences forming cracks.
Reaching touching point, the rest was up to the individual monsters from here onwards. The process that was about to occur, the spectacle unfolding and crushing the eyes of the monsters. Mashing their bodies todether with [Shadow step]'s anti-gravity, it now depended on which of them had better defence. The one with the weaker shell would inevitably crumble under the pressure and the hardness of the other monster.
Perceiving the danger beforehand, the gold skeleton warrior uses a skill to form a transparent grey sphere to protect itself. Blocking the attack, the barrier was pushed against by the muscular insectoid monster. The insectoid muscle had incredible defences and Vitality, however it lacked enough fighting power to break open this shield.
Maybe I should give it a hand.