144 - value part 2


Magical items would have been inspected at the entrance of the school, the only possible explosives that could wreak havoc undetected, was physical bombs of the old. Their capabilities only matched up to basic fireball spells, making them completely obsolete as magic produced bombs were far more destructive than one could imagine. The bombs could have been planted at anytime, by anyone, it would be absurd to find them on my own.

Sometimes, the effort of inspection also amounted to nothing, futility. It's merely a means to keep face as a prestigious institution. Even with advancement of magic based technology, death was still a normal everyday part of life. Even in the capital of the kingdom of Ilnoa, even in this transcendant portion society's elite. One could continue going by with their lives, knowing someone close to someone else has died. The only affected ones, being the immediate relatives and friends.

Without such an ability, to wield this extreme extent of an ignorance-aligned mentality, people would simply go insane from the amount of unnatural deaths that have piled up in this world. Such an unstable world... Should never exist...

Walking through the end of the hallway and emerging out at the back of the reception area, there was a wall right behind the large counter. To the left and right, held lifts to carry the staff upstairs. Behind the back wall of the receptionist counter was a single hallway, reached by going from the openings on the far left and right of the wall. This hallway led further back where it split into left and right, and even more hallways that divide the sections into 4 rows of rooms.

A clicking sound could be heard chipping at a hard surface, the magical glass entrance similar to the school building's, smoothly slid along the framed flooring. A hum escapes the tiny crevice in the ground, emphasising the half decade's toll on the environment. The passage of time did not ignore even the most trivial existences, as everything perishes in time. Even something immortal will succumb to human values and be destroyed by another.

Soft tapping vibrated through the gravel, signifying the distance being passed. One day, even such space will succumb to time. There will be no concept nor time in the "end". This distance could also be used to estimate the amount of time spent on walking, and vice versa. Lilith for one, had walked into the city, and outside the school. Roughly half a month had went past before she finally took a step outside the main entrance.

A breeze flew by, causing her ragged ponytail to flutter in different directions. It was a strange wind, one born from chance instead of magic, skill or technique. Magic and technique were interchangeable with skill, but not with each other. An image of a boy flashes past her exhausted mind. Before it went away just as fast as it appeared. It was occupied with another person. It was occupied with another person.

Walking down the uneven soil, traces of fatigue welled up in her heels. There were no chairs next to Cress's bed, she'll have to make a complain later.

Making it into the city, pieces of the night sky passed by, bringing the kingdom into a forest of a dark blue light forest. Lamps that reach the height of the roadside shop signboards were layed at regular intervals along the main streets. A large collosal wall surrounding the city with defensive runes exerts its presence by covering a portion of the night sky. Unless you looked directly upwards, a large flat territory of darkness blocks the moon light.

This wall was built shortly after the very first buildings, limiting the space that could be used for other purposes in this capital. This causes errors to occur in the infrastructure of the property residing in this large area, an alleyway would be too broad of a term to describe this micro-society. Entrances, exits, facilities, rooms, factories, all of these hidden in compressed space, worthy to be branded "dimensional magic".

Laying in the middle of the dimly lit street, Lilith layed on the ground, with her legs kept to one side bent on the ground, similar to a dismantled kneeling posture. She picked this area because she was bored, in a soft and quiet place with nobody around... How blissful would that be.

To just relax in the wind peacefully as time passed by. She childishly grasped the moon's silhouette in her palm, while not so childishly using her skill. [Demonic energy], to grow a giant shade and block out the moonlight like an umbrella. The supporting thread, or shaft of the capital sized umbrella, was so incredibly thin that it slipped over every magic detector present. In a split second, the large umbrella had also vanished into nothingness... She didn't want to cause trouble for anyone else. Though she was too late, she's been noticed... No, she led them here.

"... We've received news... Are you... Our god?" (?)

"No. If I was so powerful, I would be aware of such things. Are you from the cult?"

"We apologise, for that attack many years ago. Seeking forgiveness would be asking for too much, your return is enough to send all of us into elation." (Cult of E)

"... I can't grant any of you salvation, or any wish for that matter. I am not a god, but just a lone girl mourning in the moonlight. What do you achieve from believing in this false god of yours... "

" That attack many years ago... It was to search for you. Of course, we'll take full responsibility. Our members became restless and went through the irrational mindset that summoning a demon would summon you as well.

It was an illogical prophecy. Sure enough, you ironically emerged from it, though we usually get interrupted and quelled by the queen's guard. I could guess that they found a lead to your location and decided to let it through, or that they were too busy with other demons. Whichever was the case, you are our God. Even if you're not powerful enough... We've put in too much to back out now...

I beg your divinity, even as a false idol, be our God and anything will be granted as your wish. "(Cult of E)

"...Your faith is so bright it blinds me... Tell me... If you can get such accurate prophecies, do you actually believe that I'm a false idol? "

"... I will help you with your troubles as your humble and faithful follower. To that end, I cannot so easily throw away my purpose. You... I... Everyone... Will one day be saved by you... To that end, what are you not but a prophecised god, if you're not a hero? "(Cult of E)

" Wouldn't the hero be able to save you guys? Why pray for another? "

"... Please... Save us... From the demon lord... The hero is dead, his killer was the demon lord. We have no one left to turn to, as you can see... We believe in such a fickle prophecy... "(Cult of E)

" Aren't I pretty much a sacrifice? You picked up a random depressed prepubescent girl in the middle of the night... And expect her to be a god!?! "