145 - value part 3


"... That feat just now. A strange abundant power grew to cover up the moon just now... You seem not to believe in our prophecy, which is completely normal. But your action spoke louder than your words, not triggering the city's magic detectors and blocking the moonlight on a whim. An extraordinary feat like that was shown right in front my eyes.

This must be extremely pretentious as a follower, however. Was that not a call for help! We have information on the culprits! Our purpose aligns, to serve our false idol, and for the fulfilment of your own whims. "(Cult of E)

After her earlier outburst, the cult member reacts in a similar way. Raising his own devout feelings in the last part of his breath. In the face of years of built up frustration, having the pleasure of meeting their fated God, they could only submerge in delight. She could only give in as she didn't have the will to resist. Moreover, it would be a lie to say she was not swayed by the final piece of information.

" haa~ O faithful one. Give me your information and your source of information."

Releasing a deep breath, her patience had already ran out. It was in the middle of the night, though sleep was trivial compared to Cress's recovery. As Cress was resting, her radar could easily identify a few curses on her body. Removing them weren't such a simple problem if every layer of the complex curse kills Cress upon self-destruction.

"Of course. As for the information, it would be faster to give you a map from my hideout. The source... Would be us. We've worked closely to infiltrate and integrate into the micro-society of the alleyways. Whether our spies have been caught or not, will be found out later. In any case, we would gladly throw our lives away... "(Cult of E) His hoarse deep voice echoed down the streets, brandishing his endless resolution. Just what has he gone through to let him end up this way?

" Rejoice poor lost lamb. If they are still alive, they will be recovered in the chaos. No guarantees though, I'm a rather frail maiden god. Your reward is my presence 5 minutes ago. Meeting your god should be reward enough. " Her eyes narrowed in seriousness as her cheeks stiffened in the exchange. Cold sweat could be felt dripping down her back.

" Glad to be of help, we will support you from the shadows. We only have a limited team of members that are actually strong, nonetheless they should serve your purpose. "(Cult of E member) A smile creeps out under his half-mast in the darkness as he bowed under the moonligjt, the dim dark blue lighting infiltrated his hair, lining a portion of his jaw as his silhouette shifted downwards.

" Lastly. What does the E in the name of your cult mean? Why do you bear the title of cultist without an ounce of shame? And finally,... Is this done out of fear? Shame? Greed? Or reverence. No... It's only normal for it to be Greed. You are only human after all... "

" E..., would have to be Emily. Emily von Lilith. That's who you are, our God. "(Member)

" I see. I see no point in indulging in the twisted fantasies of your followers... Ha.. Kane? Motori? Hakane Motori, leader of the cult of E. I guess announcing 'cult of Emily' would sound incredibly lame. " It seemed that Motori, the cult leader, expected more of a reaction. Unfortunately, he only received a soul searing dead-pan stare from his revered god.

"... If it's by your divine retribution... Then we would not fear death. Throwing our lives for you would be a pleasure. " (Motori)

" Humu, it seems you are from a strange clan, your family name's in the front. I cannot claim your lives just yet, you still have much use. Anyway, what would sacrificing your lives do? I don't reign over the domain of reincarnation, I'm not even a god. I was just borned lucky with a good skill. "

" That is of no concern... In the end... Do you think there's meaning in life? The 'correct' answer would be that you give it meaning, as a result everyone's life has a different meaning. We as your followers, just decided ours is to serve you. Out of pure coincidence... Or however coincidental a strange prophet could be. "(Motori) Such an insane philosophy, to throw everything away for a single goal. Such an unprecedented and unpredictable cog could never function in society. These people must have been coaxed with something precious, to be able to throw away their lives for this unknown prophet.

" Aren't you just some kidnapper feeding me nonsense? No way in hell I would go to your hideout. You're way stronger than I am, if you have some beef with the culprit's organisation, you should do it yourself... "

"... You are mistaken. Don't you have a mind reading skill? You should understand once you scrutinise my intentions. Of course, I'm fine with bringing the information out... Though it's risky since we don't know who's an enemy. "(Motori)

"Mind... Reading skill? I merely bypassed all your encryptions with my main skill, to read your name and stats. I have no such capability to read your heart, so unfortunately I can't function as even a false idol. Haha..." A smirk embraces itself on Lilith's face, this temporary victory has easily removed her mind far away from her earlier pitiful state.

"hu- wh-! No..! This can't be it." (Motori) On the other hand, Motori was having a crisis of his own. His prided technique that costed his whole life of training had been utterly crush by an unreasonable skill.

"Hmm? Are you that devastated by your own heart?" A look of astonishment covers her tiny face, of course this was merely a mask. She could not put her guard down around a potential kidnapper.

"That's not it... My encryptions... There were 96 layers of them... [Hide detail-tier 4] [disguise - tier 4] [Deny seek - tier 4] [Flash cast - tier 3] [Long hold cast-tier 3]..." (Motori)

"All I have to do is break past your 'layers' no? If [Demonic energy] could create a spatial radar that depended on reading fluctuations and vibrations in the air, don't you think it could do far more than that?

Temperature, heat, humidity, light, air composition, ground composition, air flow, air pressure, mana amount, mana density, mana fluctuation, space, spacial fluctuation, spacial density, magic composition, elemental composition, curse composition, blessing composition, time, time fluctuation.

Cast over multiple times with a seemingly infinite mana tank, do you think 1 'layer' could stand against 5? " Her eyes were opened wide, as if indicating that her irises were boring into his soul.

" 20 variables... Cast over 25 times... Aren't you a god after all? You can be a true idol, and read the hearts of your guilty followers and cleanse their sin!"(Motori)

" Tch, I'm not even that kind of benevolent God. I'm a warmonger... Though I'm still quite weak. In the end what I just did, could be done if a scout dedicated his life to training. " Irritation visibly weld up on her childish expression.

" That was a joke... A scout? You're not a scout, and you're still 10. Admittedly your mind is not 10, if we think about it objectively, it's kind of creepy for you to be in a school. "(Motori)

" Enough of that, give me the info. "