148 - exchange part 3


"Boss is on his way to fix the problem, I'll be here to back you up. Not like there's a choice, we'll die other wise." (?2)

The second elite of the cult following emerged from thin air. His attire was similar to Kenzans. Wearing a large black cloak, vest, shirt, belt, cloth pants and boots, he was practically covered in the black of the night sky. The only difference was that Kenzan had silver gauntlets and boots, while Proctto's gloves were a shiny grey in colour. An odd shine unusual for leather affixed itself to his impression.

"Thanks, Proctto. What's the problem you spoke off? If boss needed to deal with it, it must have been important" (Kenzan) His questioning glare gave no room for banter, they were in the thick of battle where they could lose their lives at any moment. Sum it up and inform him, doubts would only drag his mind down now. Even the smallest differences became significant in battle.

"It's her range again. There's no limit, there are tendrils formed from her power reaching to the ends of the capital with a 100 km radius. Obviously it takes time for those tendrils of unfiltered power to expand, that's why the boss is keeping them off at the moment.

We can only guess what happens when the capital is completely wrapped up in her control. "(Proctto) A grave expression took hold under the darkness of the cloak, the rough outline of his cheek was extremely stiff, his palms drenched in an absurdly cold sweat. There was no mistake, he feared for his life. This whole shenanigans started with himself, and he could only end it with himself now. No... He may even need to take more lives to end it, in fact there was already a sea of corpses laid out right behind him.

" Tch, we have to go all out from the start or we'll die. "(Kenzan) His face grimaced once again at the impossible odds presented before him. His only reasonable choice was to give it his very all at the start, and fight something impossible with another impossible. A secret technique uniquely honed by these 2 warriors.

Proctto was also a blade manipulator with similar stats to Kenzan, however he took a different path. Though their investment in strength was roughly similar enough to make it negligible in a duel between them, the similarities ended there. Unlike the all-rounder Kenzan, he had focused solely on speed and strength, driven by his insatiable drive to grow stronger.

It was like any other rough background, he grew up happy in a village near the capital. Due to that, trade was good and business flourished enough to make the village similar to a town in quality of living. If you were to compare him to an urban dweller, the difference would be obvious. However he still had it quite well and it was exactly because of that, that he cherished it. He cherished and cherished, and he continued until he could no longer do it. You can't cherish something that's gone forever.

Crimson streaks reach to the sky, with a tinge of burnt flesh smell diffusing everywhere. Familiar corpses of friends and distant families laid in the fairly small village that fit a couple hundred villagers. Who could blame someone for this? He ended in this state for the circumstances surrounding his life, nothing could be done and nothing will be done. Such helplessness consumed his conscious, over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Now only a burning passion for battle resides in his ruptured heart.

Well, that was his general state until now. The cult offered him a small bit of solace, though he ultimately didn't believe in such a god. He was only happy to be able to help others. Such a simple way of life, disrupted beyond compare by this civilisation level threat standing before him. The supposed god of his false religion, his cult, was just a kid that broke far faster than he did.

Grief and despair was too unnatural for her to take in, this environment was too unnatural. One could only wonder how many years of corrosion did it took to dissolve her will, the only exception to this case was her far too abnormal power. Power should never be wielded by a child.

Well, it was too late for any regrets though. His wife and child will continue to live a normal life as long as he fought and won here. His cult following was mostly unrelated to him, except for the boss coming for tea. It was practically an estranged country club. The boss did most of the work anyway, factions formed from dissatisfaction with the boss's pace in their shared endeavor , the demon summoning and a war between factions happened as a result. The boss easily won with the 2 elites by his side, though the damage cannot be undone.

Kenzan on the other hand was a martial arts instructor. Occasionally he also offered counselling on people's problems, it was his job in the day. At night he would take on assassinations, ending anyone who manage to link his normal self and assassin self. Making it look like attempted suicide. He couldn't be called a Saint in any circumstance, however situations drove it into this awkward direction. He shared a similar passion to Proctto, it was just to protect those close to him.

"An Agility of 5mil... You guys are still incredible weak." (Lilith) A tone of disbelief slipped through, those were the last words heard in battle.

[Demonic energy] ruptured the air itself, spontaneously forming mini vacuums, causing a deep bass sound to echo around. If a thin thread invisible to the naked eye was described as controlled [demonic energy], the tentacles as uncontrolled [demonic energy], then this phenomenon can only be referred to as rampant [demonic energy]. Unlike the tentacles that form subconsciously, the [demonic energy]'s destructive capabilities have been pushed to the max with complete killing intent. Collapsing on itself before expanding and bursting, explosions manifested and repeated the cycle. Causing mass destruction.

It took everything they had to dodge the explosions setting off in the vicinity. The street was a mere shadow of its former glory, craters enlarged every second and buildings collapsed. Reasonably, people assumed it was a terrorist attack staged in the middle of the night. Fortunately all attention was on the 2 surviving individuals, minimising the destruction to a meagre extent.

Dark holes formed in space, with the sound of air pressure deviating in the extremes. Air was sucked in, sucked out. A torrent of chaos unfolded before the hole stabilised in space. Dark sparkling black threads of [demonic energy] shot out ward, reaching their destination in an instant.

The only way to dodge was to have superior speed, as the thread practically phased through any existing defences. Physical defenses are penetrated through like soft dough, magical defenses are ignored as if they were illusions. The threads of destruction reach to to skys and back, building an enormous web of death.