149 - exchange part 4


It seemed as if the battle wasn't going to end. Endless explosion rupture the earth and the eardrums of anyone in the vicinity. The [demonic energy] web was a constantly moving thread that kept shifting to cover every nook and cranny of space. Unless one had a skill to compress their own size, they would be defeated in an instant.

Of course, there are other ways to circumvent in a battle. Absolutes only exist in the realm of gods, which Lilith can not reach. She'll continue to grasp at the ceiling only to despair.

"[Share sense-sword] [Link tighten] [Sword reflect-tier 5] [Titan Aura]" (Proctto)

"[Share sense-sword] [link tighten] [Gladiator aura] [Sword saint's fervour(imitation] [Sword mirror-tier 5]"(Kenzan)

Name: Ulfritt Proctto

Class: Blade manipulator

Lv: 879 Points:0

Health: 912 500 000/912 500 000(x5 +ally)

Mana: 957 500 000/957 500 000(x5 +ally)

Strength: 484 530 000(x5 +ally)

Vitality: 91 250 000(x5 +ally)

Intelligence: 95 750 000(x5 +ally)

Agility: 274 500 000(x5 +ally)

Name: Altroa Kenzan

Class: Blade manipulator

Lv: 843 Points:0

Health: 912 500 000/912 500 000(x90 +ally)

Mana: 957 500 000/957 500 000(x90 +ally)

Strength: 484 530 000(x90 +ally)

Vitality: 91 250 000(x90 +ally)

Intelligence: 95 750 000(x90 +ally)

Agility: 274 500 000(x90 +ally)

A strange sensation consumes the consciousness of the two, their feelings and thoughts melded unnaturally. Through this skill, [share sense-sword] was able to combine their stats and thoughtswith the help [link tighten], it runs an equivalent risk of losing their sanity. Humans were not meant to hold and possess more than a single body, their souls themselves refuse to conform to such foolish ideals.

If souls could split into 2, they would already be 2 different individuals. Different actions, deviation will start from the very first step. Just by being in 2 different locations, things start to change and only change. They can hold themselves together by their ideals, however time only works against them. The more they stay apart, the more they differ, eventually one would kill the other to claim the title of 'original'. The title that has long deceased when the soul split. Thus there is no way to actually have 2 copies of yourself exist, unless it was a high level specific skill. A skill that would defy logic and anchor your will to your soul. Something so convenient doesn't exist, or not yet.

Feeling what the other feels, thinking what the other thinks, pursuing what the other pursues, moving how the other moves. The only method to curb the side effects was to have an iron grip on their own ego. If one is able to affirm their own existence, they can desperately cling onto this ego and withstand the process of the sense sharing move. However such methodology only reduced the chances of tripping and falling into the deep dark abyss of insanity. It does not completely close up the ominous hole gaping wide below their feet, threatening to swallow them up.

In any case, their stats shot up exponentially. Minds tightened to the extreme with fatigue. They nod to each other with preprepared messages, in the form of body language. An enormous toll, akin to a mountain already weighs on their souls in this form. Their auras mash together into an ominous brown purple, faces contorted with mental pain. Anguish is evident in every movement, however they cannot stop now if they want to survive.

[Sword reflect] and [sword mirror] synergieses into the perfect counter move. Using the physiques of their swords and their magic power, the optimal course is forcefully taken in order to balance the enemies' attacks. [Sword mirror] copies the enemies attacks, however they cannot block the existing assault incoming to fatally wound you. [Sword reflect] makes full use of metal and mana to deflect attacks away from the user, keeping them safe.

Only one can be learned at a time as their base physical techniques, completely opposes each other. One bends away, and one goes straight. Only by reaching perfection can one attain those skills, even then finding a person with the opposite type and entrusting your life to them is another limitation. No one can truly trust each other- not until they share their primal senses and read the other's thoughts. Not only are their stats enhanced by each other, their hearts and mind have also bent into complimentary rhythms.

One can still entrust their life without fully trusting the other, however if they truly trust the other, they wouldn't fear the possibility of death. These individuals have done just that. 'Everything I have is yours, but everything that' s yours is mine. You are me, I am you'. To retain their egos even after this disgusting routine, is a monumental task akin to trying to survive suicide. That is what they have decided, that is what Lilith has to face. The ever growing resolve of their burning souls. With her own.

Words flowed, as if entering her mind on their own. A familiarity that's yet, not familiar engulfed her tongue. Magic flowed, her circuits shrieked in excitement to execute their owner's next move. Forming an aura of black, there was no special power there. Just energy, including light being absorbed to form darkness. Not all the light was absorbed, so it looked more like a shade in the roaring bright explosions of [demonic energy] .

"[Diamond speed enhancement Ex-...

2 layers]" (Lilith)

The words practically screamed at her conscious before escaping her throat. A new feeling flooded her body.

Name: Lilith

Class: Reaper

Level: 675 Points: 0

Health: 80 000/80 000

Mana: 1 000 000/1 000 000

Strength: 1 250 000

Vitality: 8000

Intelligence: 100 000

Agility: 1 451 391 612 000(x11^5)

Breaking past the speed of light, a soft 'ring' occurred at the bottom of her conscious. A new skill had unlocked. [Void beam]. By moving faster than light, infinite energy was created. In order to not have the universe disintegrate, the excess is stored in an extra dimension similar to a [storage] skill, only that it released unimaginable destructive energy. Unfortunately, there was already another much preferred energy attack. [demonic energy]. Along with her Agility, it shot forth beyond human comprehension and razed the area to the ground.

Streaming through the air as if air resistance didn't exist, the 2 warriors shot forth to match the pace of the battle, deflecting and shooting back the same attacks to Lilith. Her webs and their webs phase through each other. Since her webs were made of energy instead of physical material, they were easily deflected. However even if they were physical, they would just be sliced through. Their webs close in before a simple snap of her fingers burst them down from sheer pressure.

" Enough games. You guy's can't even play hero if your [sword saint's fervour] is just an imitation. " (Lilith)

Simply put, if she could attack faster than they can deflect, it would be an easy victory. That should be the expected outcome. The dead bodies and the surrounding buildings had long been disintegrated by her attacks. The area is open, and her enemies look like mere snails before her Agility. A second is more than enough time to defeat them. As the webs got close to their neck, a transparent mint barrier materialises.

"You guys have done enough. Leave this to me." (?)