157 - Attack part 2


Looping back like a violent boomerang, the black pillar of dense energy shot down into the ground. If it made contact, a large portion of the capital would vanish in an instant. That was how concentrated the [Demonic energy] had been.

Partially activating her [Demonic energy] armour, [Demonic energy] was compressed to the maximum as it formed a protective layer over her body. As it was only a partial activation, she could easily choose which part of the armour to actually manifest. Clenching her fist together, her wrist twisted with shockwaves flying out and blowing debris. A small glove-like gauntlet formed on her right fist before it was swung at the black pillar of energy. Drawing a large arc, her muscles tensed up to the limit before releasing all her energy.

Due to wielding a denser clump of [Demonic energy], her fist had supposed to be completely unscathed from the recoil produced. However a strangely large amount of force was released, causing her to fracture the bone in her right arm as it collided with the pillar. The force of her fist was still strong enough to disperse the pillar, though it received heavy damage.

"Huh? KHKKKK?! WHY IS IT SO PAINFUL? Ughhh, someone up there must have some form of energy manipulation or reflection... Tch how infuriating, my bombardment attack will not work on that person. I should fight in close combat. "

Bending her knees to the maximum, her strength flowed into her heels, sending her off into the sky. Inertia had become so easy to defy, it felt like she was flying. Though with [Shadow step], it wouldn't exactly be difficult to achieve just that. Crashing through the darkness that blocked the sun , a cracking glass sound resounded over the barrier, filling the ears of anyone nearby with the cacophony of shattering glass.


As indicated by the gasp, there was yet another obstacle behind the darkness that wrapped around the capital of Ilnoa.


The sun was still partially blocked by something large, this time a meagre amount of light seeped through, illuminating the underside of the large blockade. The identity of this blockade being a strange hydrodynamic vessel that was able to defy gravity just like I did. Only that it stayed in the air steadily, it was able to fly. What was shocking about it was not the fact that it was large enough to block the sun, it was also presently residing outside the atmosphere, in space. Space travel was still merely a child's dream, it hadn't been realised until this enemy appeared.

Creating a footing with [Shadow step], I took in a deep breath of fresh air. Before launching another leap at the new discovery. Blasting through air resistance as if it did not exist, a rotating [Demonic energy] capsule was used to break through any possible energy defenses the space ship could muster. The brown cardigan fluttered in my path as my ponytail flapped in the pressure. I had on a white buttoned up shirt and a jet black skirt. Plain grey thigh highs and brown boots protected my legs from the glaring cold temperature of the sky.

In an instant, a large smashing sound echoed in the hallways of the space ship. Their defenses had been breached, flashing a blue light. The steady plopping of foot steps bounced off the reinforced walls, a steady resolute march of death. The ship was surprisingly empty, which led to the conclusion that all the enemies are in a single room. Even if this ship wasn't from an alien race and technology, it was still large enough for management to be a problem. Unless they had enough personnel to fill up Ilnoa's capital, they would struggle to have a single person in every home-sized room.

Adding the effect of anti-gravity, there was no longer any burden in traversing this environment. The effect of having less gravity had no more bearing as I effortlessly breezed through the corridors. Manipulating [Shadow step]'s most recent ability, teleportation, [Demonic energy] was shot off into random locations of the ship, causing large tremors and destruction. Directions didn't matter if there were no walls to confuse you. Along the way I must have struck something vital like an engine as chain explosions began without my assistance. The ceiling was blown off, furniture, tools, supplies, devices, weapons, anything and everything was blown into dust. Even the contents of the massive black box at the end of the ship.

Fire and smoke was now 80% of the ship's contents, the inside practically hollow, leaving what seems to be a city sized bunker. An enormous black box that had light blue etchings all over its surface. I could effectively read the symbols that intricately formed the shape of the magic formation lining the outside, it was reflection magic. An otherwise impenetrable bunker, not accounting for the fact the I can send in projectiles through teleportation.

Terrorised shrieks blast through the bunker, even letting me hear from the outside. [Shadow step-tier 4] was a teleportation activity. As long as shadows exist, I could switch places with it. Even if they don't exist, I can create them first before switching. The only possible way to remove it immediately is to shine a light on it, and that light has to be strong enough. Natural lights don't have enough intensity to erase the solidified shadows, only light magic had that capability.

As such, there were no portals. I could keep firing attacks from the outside and still stay completely safe. Though there's no guarantee that would finish off the invader. Cladding on my [Demonic energy] armour, I set my teleportation inside, arriving in the final room. In contrast with it's outward appearance, it was an empty white space supported by beautiful marble pillars. It was easy to detect the low level disguise magic that covered every inch of the room, and dispel them. Just by walking in my armour, inferior magic spells dispersed and implode on their own.

The pillars had been heavily damaged, some even toppled over while the floor was practically drowning in a sea of blood. Pure white feathers imbued with light magic stained a decently large portion of the ground, indicating that the minions may have been harpies.

"Tch, what are you doing here?!" (Iyori)

"Kuhahaaha. Obviously it's to fulfill my purpose! After recovering from his fight, the great Lord sent me here to pick off his enemy, saying it would trivially easy. But who knew you would be here to get in my way, didn't she declare herself an enemy of humanity?

That would manually align her with the 'threats to humanity', [Chaos]. Wouldn't eliminating her be much easier? Though now that you left her alive, I have no choice but to come here on my own. Well it seems she came to me though. "(?)

" GUH?! E- LILITH YOU CAN'T WIN! LEAVE THIS TO ME AND RETREAT!!! "(Iyori) Her voice was tinged with dryness, just fighting for 5 minutes has left her this exhausted. But then, what would happen to me? If I... were to fight... such an opponent...