White Ceiling

"How did you end up here?"

She couldn't help but frown a little after hearing his question. When she had come downstairs taking the elevator, she didn't think much of it. To her, it was just like roaming around a big place. But now, looking at his troubled expressions and the frown on his forehead which kept on deepening as the seconds ticked by, she realized that it wasn't as simple as she thought.

"I-I…" She trailed off, not knowing where to start. She inhaled deeply before continuing. "When I woke up in that room, I was utterly confused about where I was. The last thing I could recall was the warehouse, and the moment you f-fired."

"Seeing yourself in an unfamiliar surrounding scared you, didn't it?" He questioned her to get a nod in return.

"Combined with the things I have heard them saying, it got me scared. I thought that they had somehow managed to take me somewhere else. That's when I ran out, hoping to find an exit since there was no one around." She continued.

"It's understandable for you to feel like that, but how did you end up on this floor?" Blake questioned her. It wasn't hard for him to tell that she must have been scared after finding herself in a new place when the last thing she remembered was the sound of a gun being fired. But what bothered him more was her presence down there.

"About that…" She began to narrate him the entire scenario starting from the moment she had stepped out of the room.


[Twenty Minutes ago.]

Covers were thrown on the floor as her frail figure struggled getting out of them. The moment she had opened her eyes, they landed on a pure white ceiling. It was a nice change compared to the last few days where every time she woke up, her eyes only landed on the cobwebs filled ceiling with the paint chipping off at places.

It would have been a much nicer change if it wasn't for the fact that she was completely clueless about the place. The brightly lit room would have seemed peaceful to her eyes if she had the slightest of idea regarding her whereabouts. Not paying any more attention to her surroundings, she made her out of the bed and headed straight towards the door.

The fear of being stuck in another place was gnawing at her mind. She didn't want to wait around only to find out how things would turn out this time. She didn't want to lose the small part of her memory which she could recall living. With hurried steps, she made her way out of the room.

She was struggling to find her way out of the corridor when she heard the sound of footsteps which were coming in his direction. At first she couldn't think of her next move and continued to stand where she was, right in the center of the corridor. Only when her eyes landed on the shadow at the end of the corridor, did she move her feet.

With her fear stricken heart, she took a couple of steps back and stepped inside the room once again. Once the sound of the footsteps was gone, she walked out again. Turning her head around the other end of the corridor, she saw a man pushing a big trolley forward.

Without thinking much about it, she began to follow the man while making sure to keep some distance between them as not to get caught. A couple of seconds later, she found herself staring at the man's back as he waited for the elevator doors to slide open.

Just when he had all of his attention fixed on the blinking red numbers which were flashing above the elevator doors, she decided to follow him inside thinking that it might be her way out. With her light and steady steps, she made her way towards the trolley.

Once she was close to it, she went down on all her fours and crawled into the lower section of the trolley. Since all the three sections were covered by a white fabric, she couldn't make out what it was.holding. But she was thankful to the heavens up above that the trolley was spacious enough to fit her lean frame.

A couple of seconds later, a loud ping was heard which was followed by the swishing sound of the elevator doors sliding open. The trolley began to move forward as the man pushed it through the open doors. The sound of a card being swiped was heard which was followed by multiple faint pings as if a number of keys were being pressed. Soon, she saw the doors closing in before the elevator was set into motion.

As the elevator continued to move down, the worry in her heart only grew more wild. Though she could recall clearly that the men from earlier were trying to save her from the goons, but she didn't know whether or not they were successful in doing so. All she remembered was the sound of a shot echoing through her ears before everything turned dark before her eyes.

There was another thing which troubled her already tensed mind. Those people also had guns on them just like the two goons. Even though they looked like they were uniforms, she didn't want to take any risk with getting involved with the wrong kind of people.

She felt the elevator slowing down before it came to a complete stop. With a ping sound, the doors of the elevator slid open and she felt the trolley begin to move once again.

Her eyes were fixed on the metal doors which were passing by as the man continued to push the trolled forward. The eerie silence which engulfed her surroundings, had managed to instill fear in her again. Yet she tried to stay still in her place without making any sound. She clearly didn't want to get caught by the man.

She was lost in her thoughts, her eyes observing her surroundings through the gap between the two sections, when the trolley started to slow down before coming to a stop. The sound of footsteps filled the quiet corridor before they started to faint. She saw the man walking towards one of the doors before he walked inside it, leaving the trolley outside.