
"So… that is how you found your way to this room."

Blake mumbled softly. His words were more or less likely directed at his own self instead of the girl who still had her eyes glued to his face. His thoughts drifted back to when he was in the corridor.

He couldn't recall seeing any trolley on his way in. but, then again anyone could have come to get it after she had made her way away from it. He saw her bobbing her head up and down at his words to which he responded with a nod as well.

He wasn't saying this out loud, but he was thankful that she had managed to find her way to this empty room. It was much better than stumbling into one which wasn't as vacant as this one.

It would have been worse if she was to be carried into one along with the trolley. She might have not seen the things, or the 'toys' as Blake preferred calling them, with which the trolley was filled, but he knew better about them. Not only would it have affected her mind, she would have been haunted for the rest of her life.

He still remembered his first time seeing it, the blood and the gore. It didn't take him long to rush out of the room and puke his guts out. His mind was left marred with the repugnant memories of the day, but it didn't matter to the rest. His father had dragged him back to another one of such sessions the very next day.

"Are you okay?" Seeing him zoned out and not talking, the girl questioned him.

"Hmm! Yeah," He pulled himself out of his daydreaming as it was not the right time to have a trip down the memory lane. He needed to get her back upstairs first.

"Since you don't remember your name, why don't we think of one for you. After all, I am going to need one if you are to stay here for a while." He suggested to her ony to see her getting lost in her own thoughts. Maybe she was pondering over his words.

After what seemed like an eternity to his ears, she finally spoke up. "Why don't you suggest one?" She was looking back at him with her doe eye, a faint smile playing across her lips.

"Why don't you think of one for yourself?" Blake questioned her back. He had no problem in doing what was asked of him, but since it was her name, he only found it appropriate to give her the choice. Moreover, it wasn't like they were close to begin with in the first place for him to take on such a big role.

"I want you to think of one for me. If I don't like it, I will ask you to think of another one." She shook her head.

"Why do you want a complete stranger to think of a name for you? You do realize that you are most likely to be stuck with the name for the rest of your life. That's if I am not able to look into your past." Blake muttered. He was rather shocked after hearing her words.

"You saved me from those people. I don't know where I would be right now if it wasn't for you. I would have lost the only few days of my life which I remember living through. Even though they weren't any good, I don't want to forget them. That is why I want you to name me." She beamed up at him. "That, and I don't think we are really strangers." She added the last part with a frown.

Blake only gaped at her after hearing her reason. For someone who was of her age, she sure acted mature. It took him a while to come out of his daze and he passed her a smile. Though he didn't want to do it, he couldn't bring himself to say no either when she put it like that.

"You are right. We aren't strangers. Let me think of something." He gave her a faint smile as his mind ran off to think of a name, one which was not only good, but would suit her as well.

As he was lost in his thoughts, his eyes trailed off to the locket around her neck. More specifically it was the single lily which caught his attention. He couldn't help but delve deeper into his thoughts. Not a minute later, the faint smile on his face bloomed into a brighter one. He was able to finally think of something which would suit her.

"What?" The girl looked back at him, the frown on her forehead only deepening. The way he was looking back at her piqued her interest. He looked like a child who had managed to locate the last piece of candy from a treasure hunt.

"Lillian. What about Lillian?" He looked back at her with a hopeful expression as he put forward his suggestion. He really liked the name. Not only did the name connect her to where she came from, it also suited well with her personality. She was pure and innocent, just like its meanings.

"Lillian." She mumbled to herself, trying how the name sounded to her ears. "Lillian." She repeated before nodding her head in approval. "I like the sound of it. But if you don't mind, may I ask why Lillian?" She was curious as to why he would suggest a name which sounded so outdated.

"Because it goes well with your personality. You're innocent. And most importantly, you can use Lilly for short which would go with the pendant around your neck even if it has two Ls." Blake explained it to her.

"Since the locket is more or less likely to be connected to who you are, I wanted to think of a name which would keep you connected to your roots even if you don't recall them." He added with a bright smile. "So, I think Lillian would be perfect for it."