Her Background

'Will I ever have someone like this in my life?' Seeing the two best friends hugging each other, Lillian couldn't help but think to herself. She continued to stand there and observe the two as they exchanged a hug.

"By the way, you two need to have a proper talk." Adam spoke up as soon as he let go of Blake.

"We will. Why do you think I called her here?" Blake added, rolling his eyes before stealing a glance in Lillian's direction. He was hoping to find her looking back at them, but to his dismay, she had her eyes fixed somewhere else.

It was Lillian's way of getting her thoughts straight. She would always look somewhere else, focusing her eyes at a point, and think things through.

"Where's Uncle Robert?" Blake asked, Keeping his eyes on her. It was his way of getting the young lady's attention.

"He went to grab a glass of water for her." It was Adam who replied to Blake's question, deliberately annoying him. He knew that the question wasn't directed towards him, yet he answered it. He knew how much Blake hated when someone else interrupted in a conversation.

Just like Adam had predicted, Blake threw a glare in his direction before turning his attention back to Lillian, who was finally looking up at him.

"I choked up on my coffee earlier, so he went upstairs to get me a glass of water." Lillian explained to him seeing that he was still looking at her for an answer. "My coffee." She mumbled to herself as it slowly dawned on her that she was still holding on her mug.

"What?" Blake muttered as he couldn't quite catch what she had said in the end.

"Nothing. I just hope you don't mind me bringing it down here. I was getting late, and it was too hot to gulp down then." She raised the cup before him, and passed him an apologetic look.

"You are new here, so it's fine." Blake shook his head. For him, she was still more of a guest. There was no need to apologize for bringing food or any drinks down here even though it was strictly prohibited, but the rules didn't apply to her, yet.

"Thank you." Lillian gave him a nod as she muttered her thanks. She hurriedly brought the mug close to her lips and gulped down the remaining coffee in one go. She was fortunate that it was still warm and drinkable.

"It's no big deal. Why don't you have a seat?" Blake pointed towards the two chairs and asked her. "I will be back soon. I have to discuss some things with Adam." He added, only to get a firm nod in return from her.

Without wasting a single second, Blake grabbed Adam's elbow and pulled him out of the room.

"See you later, little one." Adam spoke up on his way out. He knew that he wouldn't be coming back to Blake's little office. He had to head straight to his office after having a chat with Blake as he had a meeting with the shareholders of his company.

"See you later." Lillian mumbled as she saw them going out of the room.

With a thud, the door of the not so small room was closed, leaving Lillian on her own. The only thing accompanying her was her thoughts, reminding her of the past few days.


"What is it?" After pulling Adam out of the room and to the side, Blake asked him. He knew that there must be a reason behind Adam's visit. Though Adam had called and informed him beforehand, he was still wondering what his visit was about.

There was no way he would risk getting late to the company without any reason. The base was located way out of the city limits. Even if Adam was coming straight from his mansion which was located in the outskirts of the city, it would take him at least a forty minutes drive just to find his way to the base.

"I just wanted to talk about her in person, but it's fine now that I have shared a word with her." Adam replied to him.

"What did you two talk about?" Blake couldn't hold his curiosity back.

"We just discussed some things about her stay here. Nothing much." Adam shrugged. "Though I suggest you do the same. Maybe give her some time to make the final decision." He added.

"I will. It's really up to her, though I do wish that she chooses to stay here." Blake answered him. He really wanted Lillian to make the choice herself. He could not only provide her with a place to stay, but could also train her to be much stronger. He could see that she had the potential in her. All he needed to do was to train her right.

"Why would you wish that?" Adam asked him in return.

"As far as I can tell, she would turn out to be a good one. And while she is getting trained here, I can look into her background and try to figure out why she can't recall anything about her life." Blake spoke up, answering him.

He really wanted to figure out what was wrong with her memories since she seemed to be doing fine otherwise. It looked like he had to have a proper chat with the doctor once Lillian's reports were out. There were still some tests left to do as the doctor could only draw some blood samples to make sure that Lillian was doing well.

"Why are you so interested in her background?" Adam asked him in return.

"With the child traffickers out of the city, I don't have much to do these days except for just looking over things. If I can use this time to help her get to know more about herself, then what's the harm in it." Blake added nonchalantly only to get a pat on his shoulder from his best friend.