A Good Listener And An Excellent Advisor

"Where's your friend?" Lillian spoke up, asking Blake about Adam as soon as her eyes landed up on his figure. Her eyes trailed off to the closed brown door behind him before moving back to his face. She was still occupying the same seat as before.

"He needed to take care of some things, so he left." Blake replied as he made his way around the table. His feet came to a stop next to his swiveling chair and he settled down, making himself comfortable.

"Oh!" She nodded her head. She was hoping to have another chat with him before he had to leave, but it looked like she had to wait before she could do so. She didn't mind talking about the same matter before Blake, but there was some unsettling feeling which made it hard for her to be verbal about the same things before Blake.

He was the man who had saved her life, and given her a chance to have a better future. She felt like she owed him her life. This only added to her already troubled thoughts, making it harder for her to say no before him. She couldn't even express her thoughts properly when it came to being honest with him because of the same reason.

"Don't worry. He did say that he will pay me another visit during the coming weekend. You can talk to him then." Blake replied to her. He did wonder what it was that the two of them talked about. He wanted to ask her about it as he already knew that there was no way that Adam would share it with him. He had already told him so.

He needed to feed his curious mind something. There was only one thing which was stopping him from having what he wanted. He didn't want to come off on the wrong foot with her. He was helping her only because that was the least he could do for someone like her.

"That's good. Thank you." Lillian mumbled softly. There were a few other things which she thought she could talk to Adam about. He was not only a good listener, but also gave some nice advice. What he had said earlier to Lillian, it actually made sense to her.

"So… why did you ask me to come down here?" She asked, turning her attention back to Blake.

"I thought why not give you a tour of the place, starting from down here." He replied with a shrug.

"Why here?" She asked in return. Wouldn't it be better if he had done this in order? Showing him each floor one by one would have been much easier not only for him, but also for Lillian. She could have had a less hard time in remembering which floor was for what purpose.

"Let's just say that this floor is the heart where we work harder every day to make ourselves stronger. This organization is only as strong as its people." He answered her back. He was trying his best to be as honest with her as possible without involving the bad parts.

It wasn't because he didn't want her to get wary of the people around her, but rather because he thought that it wasn't the right time. She had just been rescued from a group of child traffickers. She had no idea about who she was, or from where she came from. He wanted to give her some time to get settled first.

"You mean that we will be starting with my training today. I mean of course after the tour is done." She shared her thoughts with him, only to hear a no from him.

"Not yet." Blake shook his head as he leaned forward on his desk, keeping his elbows on the glazed surface of the table for support. "I want you to get used to being here first. So, why don't we focus on that now, making sure that you are well accustomed with the place and the people in here." He spoke up.

"We can do that, but I think it will take me a little. I find talking to others hard." She exhaled out a long breath.

"Really? I heard that you had a good conversation with my friend out there." Blake spoke up as he gave her a wide smile. He was trying to lighten up her mood a little.

"It was mostly him talking." She corrected him.

"I doubt that." There was no way that Blake was giving up this easily. Even though Adam hadn't told him much, it wasn't hard for him to tell who was doing the talking in between the two. Last night's late dinner with Lillian was enough for him to know that.

"You are wrong." Instead of agreeing with him, Lillian spoke up in her defense. She knew that she didn't talk any less than Blake's friend, but it was mostly because he was asking her so many questions. If it wasn't for him initiating the conversation, and his persistence to know what he wanted to know, she doubted that she would have uttered a single word before him.

"Am I?" Blake only smiled wider in response. 'I was right.' He thought to himself, thinking about his conversation with Adam. The sixteen-year-old girl who was sitting across him had the potential to be his man. The fire burning in her orbs as she spoke in her defense was enough to confirm his suspicions.

"Yes, you are. It's not my fault that not only your friend is a good listener, he is also an excellent advisor." She raised her chin up in the air and spoke up. "You don't even listen to what I have to say." She added, complaining to him.

"When do I not? And this is the second time we are really meeting." Blake frowned after hearing her accusation. His lips were still curled up in a faint smile.

"It's actually the third if you count our encounter at the warehouse." Lillian pulled up three fingers and waved them in the air as she muttered back.

The smile on Blake's face disappeared as soon as his mind registered her words.