Late To Her Own Party (3)

"Adam!" Katherine jumped up and down with glee when she saw him and Blake walking towards the two of them. 

She barely paid any attention to her own brother. Instead, she chose to hug Adam, who in return engulfed her in a bear hug. 

"How's my favorite girl doing?" Adam asked her as soon as she was out of his embrace. 

"She is doing perfectly fine." Katherine replied with a bright smile, and in her overly joyed tone. She hadn't seen Adam since the last time she came to Berlin. He was like a younger brother to her, one she never had. 

"Congratulations!" Adam patted the top of her head, making sure that he was gentle enough with his movements so that her hair style would remain intact. He didn't want to face her wrath only after arriving at the place.

"Though I had to say that I am upset over the fact that you didn't bother to inform me about your plans." He didn't forget to complain.