Stay Away From Those Bratty Boys

The hall was bustling with murmurs and whispers as the guests continued to stay invested in their own conversations. Each one of them was there for their own sakes, with nothing but their own plans going through their minds, trying their best to get one thing or another from the other party. 

Slowly, not at once, the whispers began to die one after the other as their attentions were torn away by the entrance of two figures. It was Blake and Katherine. 

Blake was escorting Katherine around, introducing her to some of the new faces she wasn't quite familiar with. On the other hand, Katherine just rolled along the situation. She was bored to death, but had put on a smiling front. 

She knew that no matter how annoyingly things went for her, she had to stick by her charming persona, and greet people. She had to get through this at first before she could go and actually enjoy herself.