Stone For Hearts

A couple of minutes later, Blake was finally able to locate Adam. He was occupying the corner most table on the other side of the hall which was further away from the bar. 

The spot made it so that there were not many lights reflected in his direction. Moreover, he had his back facing the center of the hall. This made it possible for him to stay away from people's attention. Even if one was to glance in his direction, they would only see his back. 

"There you are!" Blake announced his presence with a loud smack on his best friend's back. "You are here as well." His eyes trailed off to the other side of the table where Lillian was standing, busy sipping on an orange juice. 

"Hi." She waved at him, greeting him politely since she didn't know what else to say in response. 

"Hello." Blake replied to her with a smile. "Good that the two of you are here. I have someone I would like to introduce to you." He continued.