The Guilt

Lillian could only stare at him as he continued on with his confession. Even though she was having a hard time looking into his eyes, she could feel the swirl of emotions which was waving through his words. 

Each and every single one of the words which left his lips seemed to be hitting her right in the spot, making her heart ache. 

"But you saved another life." She spoke up in a meek tone. Her own voice sounded strange to her ears. She couldn't tell if the words were meant for Blake or she was only trying to find an excuse for herself. She was hoping for it to be the first because the latter would only add more to her guilt.

"Like I said before, I did take another." Blake replied to her in the same relaxed tone. "And there is no shame in accepting that." He added with a small shrug. "Because if you find a way to make it seem okay, you are only going to do it again soon even if it can be avoided."