The Resort (1)

The seconds ticked by and the hour hand of the clock cane to strike nine. It was the very time which marked the start of her mission. 

A black car came to a halt outside of a resort which was located in the outskirts of the city. As the valet stepped forward to open the back door of the car, he was asked to stay in his place by the driver. 

"Don't! That's my job." The driver, who seemed to be only in his late twenties, spoke up with a scowl on his face. He looked at valet as if he had offended him greatly.

"I am sorry." The valet could only apologise to the man for offending him even though he meant him no harm. He was only doing part of his job which entitled him to not only park the cars, but receive the guests as well. 

He shrugged his shoulder, indicating that he had no idea of what went wrong when his colleagues gave him questioning looks. He chose to keep his mouth shut and stay put in his spot with his hands tied behind his back.