My Dearest Person Part 2

In the end, Sumire stopped at a nearby riverbank.

"Taking it easy like this is nice," Kou said, staring into the orange hue that filled the skies.

'It is already this time? I didn't realize.' Then again, with the earlier rain, it was hard to tell.

"You're always so busy after all."

"Being busy has never bothered me. I knew I could always quit if I wanted to." Kou said. That's right, because there is no official contract, He could have easily quit, and there would have been no hassle whatsoever.

"You can't quit!" Sumire said frantically.

"What? Uh, Mimi?"

She suddenly looked so frantic and panicky. Kou smiles; ahh ahh, this really is like her.

"Everyone needs you--" He cuts her off by reaching over and patting her head.

"It's okay; I don't think that way anymore. "