My Dearest Person Part 3

"What did you say?"

She averted her gaze clearly embarrassed still. "I couldn't answer him. It took me by surprise after all."

She didn't answer? But doesn't that mean, it's okay for him to keep on loving her? With the idea of marriage in mind? Kou wonders if she knows the extent to not answering. However since it's Mimi, she's probably had a lot of time to think it through since then. 

Atsuroyan will get a real answer sooner or later. If Ryou is the first one to see logic followed by Nakura. Then it'll mirror the same way with them too. 

Just like he said to Ran, even now he loves her a great deal. When she looks like this, all defenceless and innocent, he wants to devour her in the same manner as before. Back in high school when their bodies were so close together and he could feel her warmth.