Glorious Sunshine Part 2


Normally, she would have lost control by now. However, right now. To be touched by Yuhi would feel wrong.

Yuhi sighed. "You've always been good at studying." He drew circles on her thighs. "Can I do this?"

Sumire nodded and relaxed in his arms. "You look tired."

This much contact with him should be okay. 

"I'm fine."

She shakes her head. He wasn't fine. 'I know what he has been doing abroad.' The last time she confronted him about it, he didn't deny anything. But they haven't discussed anything in detail just yet.

"If you destroy your handsome face anymore, I will be quite upset."

Yuhi laughed. "You're so needy wife. I know you missed me, but if you keep this up. I'll attack you."

"Then I'd go."

"You wouldn't." Yuhi nodded confidentially. "You love me too much, you'd stay."