Glorious Sunshine Part 3


It truly is strange that Yuhi has this effect on her. She has dated four other guys, and none of them have made her feel this way. She recalled her conversation with Toh about a destined person, a partner. From the very moment he mentioned it, she immediately thought of Yuhi. She thought about the memories they shared, and how each of their first encounters led to them being drawn to each other. 

She isn't just saying this because she is biased. Even when she only admired Yuhi as a singer, she already felt a connection between them. It felt like there was an invisible red string between their souls, tugging her closer.

"Your concert." Yuhi mumbled. "-I'll be watching it."

Her eyes lit up. "You will? But don't you have a busy schedule?"

It wasn't just Kou and the others who sent her messages but Takeyama. Takeyama keeps her up to date on the groups activities. From their recent message exchange, Yuhi-san's schedule is packed.