I'll beg if I have to


Sumire nodded and Yuhi picked up a strange coloured bottle and brought it to Kyoko's lips. 

"Okay Kyoko, drink this. It will make you feel better."

"Colour weird."

Yuhi chuckled. "If you drink this, I'll take you to the aquarium."

"Kyoko drink!"

Sumire rolled her eyes. He really is good at bribery. But, the aquarium huh? She hasn't gone in a while herself, her gaze fell on Yuhi-san who was now helping Kyoko sit up and drink.

Another date plan, but first a family outing. They really don't have many opportunities to go out as a family. 

Kyoko pulled a disgusted face but kept drinking and Yuhi encouraged her. Yuhi's gaze fell on her and he points to a blue coloured bottle.

"And you drink that."

Sumire laughs. "I'm okay now my dear, I survived an entire nine hours of work didn't I?"

"I can't be too sure with you. I know how well you're good at hiding how you feel."