I was curious


It's not a bad trait to have, but sometimes there are consequences.

From: Mamoru

I suddenly have a craving for your cooking.

Especially for those weird little drawings you used to do on your omelettes.

Or those odd looking cupcakes.

Sumire blinked. Is this, is he indirectly asking her to come over? How rare. Normally when she fusses, Ru does whatever he can to keep her away from him. Perhaps it's not that bad this time? Or maybe it's really bad, and he has no choice?

"Before Dad invites you over mom, he should clean his place up."

Sumire giggled seeing Huan's disgusted expression. "Your father has never been good at cleaning, and now he is very sick. He needs a bit more support."

'I really do need to make checking on Ru a priority.'

From: Toh