Towards a never ending sky (5)


While waiting for Yuhi, she decided to take a seat on a nearby bench with a good view of the central fountain. She was only waiting for a few minutes when Yuhi reappeared with bags of food. She giggled seeing the amount. He really knows how to spoil her.

"Yummmy, this is really good." Sumire said happily.

"Heh, slow down a bit will you? Are you that hungry?" 

"Oh now that you mention it." 

She didn't eat breakfast this morning did she? And her lunch wasn't exactly ideal either. 

"Stupid." Yuhi reached over and brushed his fingers on her bottom lips, her lips parted instinctively and he placed his fingers inside. "Don't waste food." 

This person is too sly. Although she has always been confident in her ability to render people speechless, it never works on Yuhi. 

"Yuhi too. . you should eat also." Sumire extended the chopsticks towards him.

"Mmmm. Your right, this is good. In fact, I want some more."