Towards a never ending sky(6)


"How so?"

"I can't even lead the Holy knights properly, let alone an organization on a larger scale."

Yuhi sighed deeply. "You are underestimating yourself too much, Sumire. In the first place, what makes you think you're not doing a good job?"

Sumire frowned. "Isn't it obvious with the skirmishes, and the growing danger around town? Recently I have been hearing members of the general public talking about how it hasn't been safe recently, and I know the police are thinking of issuing a curfew. If it was Aki, he wouldn't have let things get this far."

"I think you're conveniently forgetting, that when Aki was around and in charge. You were the one cleaning up the mess, and that's why things remained peaceful."

"No, it was because of his leadership-"