The Big Day II

Outside the wedding venue. 

"Ah someone looks handsome today." Fixing his tie, Ellie smiled. "Why didn't you come early?" 

Wrapping his hand around her waist, Sebastian sighed, "Because I am a stupid man." Gently caressing her cheeks, he added, "You look so beautiful." 

"Thank you so much but you might want to change that statement after you see our bride," she stated. 

"You will still be the most beautiful one for me." 

Squeezing his cheeks, she chuckled, "Look at you being cheesy again." Lifting his left hand, she glanced at his watch. "Oh God, it's almost time. You are supposed to be with Noah honey, what are you doing here?" 

"I just wanted to see you, I feel a bit nervous," Sebastian stated before kissing the back of her hand. "I think I need a quick kiss."