The Big Day III

Wedding Venue. 

"Seb, honey are you okay?" Judith inquired. 

"Y-Yes, I am," Sebastian answered in a very unsure voice. 

Scrunching his brows, Harry stated, "Naoh is the one getting married, why are you sweating so much? Are you not feeling well? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" 

Vigorously shaking his head, Sebastian took out a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped his forehead. "I am fine, I don't know why I am feeling so hot." Pointing towards the dazzling black suit he was wearing, he added, "I think something is wrong with this suit." 

"I think something is wrong with your head, son," Arthur remarked before walking towards him. "Are you nervous for your brother?" 

"I think he is." Helplessly shaking his head, Harry sighed, "Just look at his face, he looks like he just encountered a ghost or something awful."