The Big Day(IV)

Astonished and confused by the sudden unexpected approach, Ellie took the bouquet in her hand. With her brows scrunched, she was about to say something when someone tapped on her shoulder. 

Turning around, she saw Sebastian standing right behind her with a smile on his face. She tightened her grip around the bouquet when her eyes landed on the small maroon velvet box in his hand. And before she knew it, he was on his knees, right in front of her. 

"Your presence completely changed my life. Not only did you make it more beautiful but also meaningful. You gave me a very beautiful reason to carry on, you gave me yourself and your love. So—" Taking the ring out of the box, he added, "Ellie Miller, will you accept this ring and me for the rest of our lives? Will you marry me and be mine forever?" 

Without tears streaming down her cheeks, Ellie vigorously nodded her head before giving him her hand.