"So how are we going to do this?" I asked sulking a little. Not like I felt bad for myself. *Sniff*. Ok that was a lie. *Starts crying inside* I feel so much pity for myself right now! Why do I have extremely bad luck!!! I mean can't I be a little lucky even for one day.
Adrian let out a small chuckle. Samuel looked terrible. That was the only word to describe it, terrible. "Well we should do a subject that's interesting and fits the topic." (The teacher announced the topic as different crimes that go on in the city. And research about it)
I looked at Adrian as if he was stupid, well of course we want something interesting, and it's not like we can just choose a different topic. We would fail than. I had to roll my eyes at him, are you sure this guy has the same IQ as me? He ignored my actions and finally came up with the subject we should focus on, "Let's do rape." He said in a commanding voice, as if it was not up for discussion. I trembled a little, rape, seriously out of all the other crimes that go on, forging, burglary, killing, trespassing, I mean I could go on their was so many more. But he wanted to do rape!! Why me, oh why me?!
Unfortunately, what Sameul didn't notice was that, Adrian had noticed his actions. He was slightly confused. Why would Sameul tremble at such a thing? Did he not like the topic? Or maybe... mmm this is going to be very interesting...
Unfortunately for the readers as you can notice Adrian is an idiot, fortunately you have a good MC.
Just then the bell rung. I quickly got out of my seat and bolted for the door, I wanted to get away from Adrian as fast as my legs could carry me.
While Adrian looked at Sameul with surprise, Sameul was fast like really fast. It was ridiculous. "Wow, he doesn't like me that much does he?" I sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought.
I quickly walked home to get dressed for work. When I entered I made sure I didn't make any noise, and quickly put my work outfit on. It was a maid costume with cat ears and cat paws. In other words he worked at a club called CatNip. He would have already have gotten another job if this one didn't pay so well. I quickly ran out of the house and started the long walk to work. Once I got their, I sighed and looked up it was ridiculously huge and had a total of 200 employees working each night. It had a bright sign with the glowing red letters of, CatNip on it. It then had an animated cat winking on the side. It looked ridiculous to me, but for some reason it was always packed. Maybe because the employees will sometimes take special "orders" to get extra cash, I don't, I already have enough people having sex with me for one day thank you very much. I walked from the back door of the club and quickly went to work. I started serving the customers, and I know what your going to say, didn't you say that this was a club. Yes. But it's technically a combination of a club and a restaurant. Anyway back to the story, when we take orders it's pretty ridiculous because we have to say "Welcome to CatNip, it's Meow good to see you, can I take your order." I mean you might as well kill me on the spot. When they saw me their eyes instantly shined, "Well cutie you could get us..." Half an hour later I came back with their food. "Heres your food" I said with a smile. And started to leave when one of them said, "Hey do you do special "orders"?" "No," I said cooly turned to leave once more. When suddenly he grabbed my hand and said "I'll pay you well if you do." I said "No and that's the end of it," I said slapping aff his hand. I never get it why were these guys so persistent?! Just then my manager came out of nowhere, by the way. I mean why did he appear at the worse possible moment, when I was slapping at costumer? I instantly started shaking. My manager told me to never come into physical contact with the costumers, unless you said yes to the special order, if not he would fire me. I agreed to the terms, but it was pretty hard to not want to slap or hit the guy when he wouldn't leave you alone. As I was waiting for my fate, I started shaking so much and the manager finally came right up to my face. "You know to never hurt the costumers, do you not." "Yes, sir," I said in a trembling voice. Please don't hit me, please don't hit me, and lord and behold, he slapped me right across my face. "Sir I'm sorr-." But I didn't get to finish he slapped me more with each hit increasing in strength. "Don't be sorry, you're fired." Once I heard this I instantly started crying, I needed this job, I really needed this job! "Please sir, let me st-" Just then someone grabbed hold of my hands, and yelled into my ear, "We're going to Fuck you up so bad today." It was the man who wanted to buy sex from me. He was still here? I immediately started shaking my head. "If you want to keep your job then your going to have to," my Manager said "that's the only way you can keep your job." Finally I agreed I really, really needed this job... Some birthday huh?
What I didn't know is that a few tables away someone was filming all of this, only 30% away from being published.