... Ah. Now I recognize him, he was Adrian, Adrian something or another, I don't really know his last name. I was more dumbfounded if not anything, why was Adrian here? He's mostly know as the school's playboy. I could feel nothing but hatred for this boy, he played around with people's feelings as if it was nothing. How could you be so cruel to a human being? I never got it why people cheat or bully one another, I mean if you don't care or love the person why agree to their confession. And if you out right didn't like someone, doesn't mean they should be punished because of your feelings. Some people do it to feel dominant, but how could you feel dominant when you know that what your doing is very cowardly? Another reason is they want others to have the same pain as you, but why put someone else in the same situation as you when you know it hurts? Why...
I stared at him my eyes full of hatred, what did this guy want, why was he right next to the bed I was sleeping on, and where were the guys that almost raped me. Not that I cared or anything... I've been raped lots of time, not only by my dad but my dad's friends. He looked at me surprised his perfect eyebrows swaying. His face turning into a smile, making his face look even more dazzling. "What did I do, steal your girlfriend or something?" he asked a sneer on his face. I was surprised why did he think that... Oh. Maybe because I was looking at his so pitifully. Mmm. Well he deserves it, after what he's done to people, how can I not look at him with disgust? I laughed lightly, from his question, me get a girlfriend yeah sure. I don't even want a girlfriend must less a boyfriend. I don't need someone to look after me, I do just fine by myself, I thought sadly. I would think this but deep down I knew I wanted someone to care for me even if it was just only for a short while. I would always be envyiss of anyone who had a normal family, where the mom and dad looked out for the child not 'mess' with he or she. I sighed deeply we can't always get what we want in life. "No, the only reason I don't like you is how you act towards others" I said casually. He looked dumbfounded as if someone just slapped him in the face. People usually look like that when I talk to them, I'm probaly a little tad too blunt.:D "You wouldn't want to say that to your savior now would you," he said dramatically, putting his hands over his face. I had to role my eyes, please, he probaly just found me because he got lost too, the school was in a entirely different direction, or he just lived their. Anyway I am grateful but I wasn't going to show it. I looked at the clock, oh crap, it was 7:00 if I didn't go to class right now I'll be late. I quickly got up and walked out of the infirmary.
Meanwhile Adrian was shocked by this boy, not only did he look exquisite but he also didn't care who Adrian was, or that he saved him, he didn't even say thank you. I huffed in displeasure how could someone do that to me, me, Adrian Ice, of the Ice family one of the most prestigious manufacturers around, not only was my family, rich but he also had the looks. So why did this boy turn him down so easily? The only reason Adrian did help him was because he thought he could be Adrian's new toy. He didn't even get the boys name, but after looking at him, I think that it's blatantly obvious that this was the guy that everyone was talking about, The Angel of college, he looked more like a God in Adrian's eyes...
In that moment it became obvious that Samuel was Adrian's next target...
Meanwhile Samuel had just made it to class on time, right when he stepped into the classroom everyone their looked at Samuel relieved that he was their. Everyone loves Samuel and are not sure they can survive the day without him. Of course weekends are the exception. As everyone went to their seat, they started to unpack their things on their desk like usual. But instead Mrs. M told the class that they should put anyway everything quickly because we were having guests over, everyone was surprised guests? Their teacher didn't do guests. While everybodies else's teachers did let a couple of students come here and their this was a first for Mrs. M. Mrs. M actually didn't allow students to come to the classroom, she thought that new students or faces were a distraction. Anyone suddenly became very excited, they couldn't wait until the other class gets here, everyone sarted to chatted eagerly. All except for of course Samuel he was personally oblivious to the news, he didn't care at all for this as long as he didn't have to team up with anyone he was fine. "Ok, class settle down, I want you on your best behavior today, or you'll have to suffer the consequences." It was like a mom telling taking her kids over to her friends house, or going to a restaurant, and what not. Her words were only ignored, it was like telling a kid that he couldn't have his favorite snack from then on, in other words it was impossible to settle down the class. Right on cue the guests arrive 26 students in total, just like the number in this one. I took one look at them and immediately someone stood out from the crowd and I knew who it was because I was saw him just this morning, Adrian. My lips curled up in displeasure, my luck today was the worst. Why does fate have to be so cruel, hopefully he won't notice me, I'm in the back corner of the class, so it's very unlikely.
Little did he know the only reason he has this spot was because the class begged the teacher to, everyone one could get a good look at him if they wanted to wake up in class. He really was the perfect strategy to stay awake once you saw Samuel's glowing face, you would immediately come back to your senses. And everyone also did it so that no one was by Samuel, so nobody would be jealous that someone was even close to him. Samuel didn't mind this at all, so the class was happy, and he was happy. They technically killed two birds with one stone. "Ok class after some thorough thought. We," she coughed on the word we, "teachers decided to do a group project, with the class that has the closest number GPA and work ethic. Which also means that the person you will be working with will have the same or close to the same GPA and work ethic. And if only one person does it, we can tell." They always tell us this but some people still get away with it. "Because you will be presenting to the whole class or in other words two classes so you get my drift, right."Everyone grunted in agreement. Well never mind about that. "Ok so the partners will be... And finally Adrian Ice and Samuel Thomas." I froze from shock, then quickly soak into despear, my luck was just terrible today.
Meanwhile Adrian was beaming he didn't even see the little dushbag sitting in the corner over their. This was perfect, probaly to perfect of a way to get him to go out with me. He smiled evily, he was going to have some fun with this one alright...