The Strangest Dream (part 2)

"Happy face-pancakes?" That put a smile on Evelyn's face, she pulled back the covers and jumped out of bed to get dressed.

Autumn looked over her shoulder, walking down the stairs "Just the way you like them."

Evelyn went on telling her mother about her dream and how she felt like she had dreamt it before, "You and daddy were gone, and there was nothing to do."

Autumn looked at her with one brow raised, "Well, Evie; you know that would never happen, I would never leave you alone."

Evelyn was six. The sweetest little girl who stood about three feet tall full of energy, her hair went to the middle of her back, and she had a smile that would melt your heart. Evelyn was kind and caring and didn't have a selfish bone in her body. Her favorite thing to do was to make people happy, there are so many, but the one thing her mother loved about her was that she never told a lie, not even a white one.

After she finished eating Autumn, put the dishes away, and they both sat at the table, and Autumn helped her with her lessons. "Evie, you have to work on the way you write the small e, you must define the loop on the top because it still looks like a big L."

Unlike other children, Evelyn loved doing lessons with her mother because she made it so fun. She loved it when her mama drew funny faces inside the numbers.

Later that day, Clyde came home from work, and Evelyn ran to greet him at the door, "Daddy's Home- Daddy's home!" She yelled out, and with that, he swung open the door saying, "Is that my little angel?" grabbing her up into his arms. She told him of all the fun things she did with her mother that day and how much she missed him. Laughingly he joked, "At least somebody did" kissing Autumn on the cheek and put Evelyn down, saying, "Let's eat, I'm starving."

After dinner, Evelyn and her father sat in the living room and played cards while her mother sat in her chair, sewing. She enjoyed watching them play. Well...

It always started with playing cards, but most of the time it ended up with the both of them stacking the playing cards to see who could build the tallest house before they all fell down and later Evelyn went to her room and played with her dolls until it was time for bed, she would put them in a circle and pretended she was the teacher.

That night she heard the front door slam and her daddy's old truck drive away. Then her mother came up the stairs entering her room, wiping her eyes, and as she looked at her, she smiled and walked over to the vanity motioning Evelyn to come closer...

"Now come on, let's get you ready for bed," she said. Evelyn got up and slowly walked over to the seat and sat down, so her mother proceeded to brush her hair.

Looking at Autumn's reflection in the mirror, she could tell that she was sad, "What's wrong, mama?" "Nothing, my dear, just things mommy and daddy have to work out."

Evelyn watched as her mother's eyes welled up with tears, then she stopped brushing her hair and turned Evelyn toward her.

"Evie, I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to us, and I will never leave you." Evelyn thought that was an odd thing for her to say. However, she didn't question her but simply responded by saying, "I know, mama."

Evelyn's mother tucked her in kissing her on the head, then whispering in her ear, "I love you."

The next morning she sat straight up with a gasp.