The Strangest Dream (part 3)

She saw her doll Holly at the foot of the bed, so she leaned over and grabbed her snuggling back under the covers and pretended to be asleep so her mom could come in and wake her like she always does. She laid there for a long time listening intently for her mother's footsteps or the clamoring of pots and pans, "Mama?" she broke her silence.

She got up and shuffled her way downstairs to the kitchen, but no one was there.

She looked everywhere in the house, but just like in her dreams, she was once again alone. She tried to make herself a bowl of cereal, but the milk was too heavy, so it spilled all over the floor, not wanting to upset her mother she did her best at cleaning it up and went on to play with dolls in her room. Holly was her favorite doll. She looked just like her mother. While she was playing, she heard a car door, thinking it was one of her parents she ran to the window but didn't see a thing.

The house was too far from the road so that it couldn't have been a passer-by, she thought.

She then looked over to the garage where her daddy parks his truck, and a shiver went down her spine, almost as if something was calling to her but then at the same time pulling her back.

The day went on, and she started to think her parents would never come home.

She walked around that lonely house, brushing the dust off the wood as she walked past the furniture and noticed it was getting dark. "Daddy will surely be here soon," she thought to herself. When he didn't arrive at the time he was supposed to, she felt scared. She heard footsteps in the kitchen, but no one was there. This made her feel unsettled, so she decided to wait out her parent's arrival in her bedroom.

The room was dark and cold, something had changed, but she didn't know what it was.

She curled up with a blanket on her rocking chair in the corner of her room, and somehow that gave her peace.

The night went on and still no sign of her parents, still sitting in the rocking chair she started to cry, and In her mind, they had been away forever.

She kept hearing noises throughout the house but didn't know where they were coming from, but just then she felt a thud in the floorboards that startled her.

She put her blanket aside and kneeled, putting her ear to the floor. She heard muffled talking and things being moved around despite knowing no one was home.

She then jumped onto the bed, throwing the covers over her head.

Could this be ghosts? She thought to herself.

She remembered her grandmother telling her mom that she thought their house was haunted, but grandpa didn't believe her. What if this is a bad ghost, and they want my soul! Evelyn laid under her covers, shaking until she fell asleep.

"Mama?"... "Yes, my darling."

"I had the strangest dream." Sitting at her bedside, her mother said: "Well, why don't you get dressed, and you can tell me all about it while you're eating your breakfast."

As her mother started down the stairs, she looked back and said "I'm making your favorite" Evelyn went on to tell her all about it and how there were ghosts in her dream, her mother chuckled "Now you know there is no such thing" she told her.

With the day going well, as usual, she did all her favorite things and had so much fun with her mother. Just like every other day.

Her father came home at the same time as every day and swung Evelyn around the room. They all settled down playing cards before going to bed, but once again, daddy left slamming the door behind him,