And her mother came in to brush her hair, kiss her goodnight, and assure her that she would never leave her.
She woke up
There was a box in her room, and the curtains had were changed. Was this spring cleaning, she thought? Or maybe we are going on a trip!
Excited, she ran down the stairs looking for her mother, and once again, she found herself alone.
Things looked different though, there was new furniture, and the house smelled funny.
She looked out the kitchen window and saw that there were cars parked outside and that made her very confused, who did they belong to and where were they?
The day grew on, and she felt like she was living in a boring dream that she couldn't wake up from. Pacing the house, she brushed her fingers on the wood as she passed by but noticed that there was no dust. "What's going on, and where is my mother?" She cried out, yelling, "MOM!"
She went upstairs and sat down on the box in her room. Just then, a little girl about ten years old walked into the room, startling her and causing her to step back into the corner. She watched this girl take things out of the box, placing them on the nightstand and dresser.
"Who are you?" Evelyn asked. "What are you doing?" But no response.
The girl turned and walked out, shutting the door behind her.
Well, that didn't sit well with Evelyn at all, who did she think she was ignoring me like that in my own room? She took all the girl's things and put them all right back in the box where she got them, but while she was doing this she noticed that she hadn't seen her doll Holly, Evelyn looked around, but Holly was gone!
This made her even madder than she was before, "why would she take my doll!" she thought, "it's not hers!" Evelyn went downstairs to confront the girl but couldn't find her either,
"Just wait until mom gets home."
She sat on the new couch and waited for a long time for her parents to come home, but her eyes became very heavy, and she started to nod off, she woke up from complete darkness and saw her mother in the kitchen cooking. She leaped off the couch and ran towards her only to stop in her tracks in the doorway.
All the hair stood up on the back of her neck. This wasn't her mother standing there at the sink, she only saw the back of her, but she was sure it wasn't her. She stood there for a moment then saw the lady turn and fade away as she walked past her. Evelyn's eyes got wide, and she ran upstairs to her room and hid in her closet, sitting there behind the clothes she felt scared to death. She heard so many noises in the house, and even in her room. She just knew that the ghost of that lady was looking for her, but she felt safe hiding in there.
Later, when the house was still, she got up the courage to step out of the closet and venture back into her room only to find that same girl sleeping in her bed.
Evelyn walked right up to her and shouted, "Hey! Hey, you!". Nothing... The girl didn't even move, not one bit. Evelyn didn't know what to do, so she walked over to the window, hoping to see her daddy's truck parked outside. She was hoping he would make her give back her doll and leave. Evelyn stood there looking towards the garage and felt a piercing pain in her head, and fear took over her whole body, making her take a few steps back. Still mad, she sat in her rocking chair in the corner and watched that girl sleep all night.