The Strangest Dream (part 10)

Before heading downstairs, but when she noticed that the hot water had steamed up the bathroom mirror, Evelyn couldn't help but show off her art in the steam on the glass, professing her love for her parents. She drew a big heart, and in it, Evelyn wrote Mom Dad Evie, and she hoped it would stay until her mother came up to admire her work. "Mom," "yes, my Evie?" Her mother was in the kitchen, "Come take a look at what I made for you and daddy!" Autumn was in the middle of cooking, so she asked her if it could wait. "No, mama, it has to be now!"

Her mother was taking too long, so she left the hot water running and ran downstairs to get her. Autumn was very frustrated, but she went upstairs anyway. She arrived in the bathroom first and looked around, wondering what Evelyn was talking about. The water was off, and there was nothing to see. The heart Evelyn drew on the mirror was gone as if someone had wiped it with their hand. "What did you want to show me, Evie?"

Evelyn standing behind her waiting for praise was confused, she peeked around Autumn, but she didn't understand. Why did her mother just wipe it away like she didn't care? She stomped out of the bathroom, saying nothing.

Autumn thought to herself that maybe this was the attention the old lady was trying to warn me about?

They went on to have a perfect day, and despite her thinking that her mother wasn't very nice to her earlier, they still had the very best picnic ever. Evelyn made her mother laugh, and they laid on the blanket outside in the backyard, counting clouds as they passed overhead. "Evie?" "Yes, mama" Autumn rolled over onto her stomach towards Evelyn and started to play with her hair blocking the sun from Evelyn's eyes as she asked her, "Do you like it here? I mean, in this house?" "What's wrong, mama? Of course, I do, I love it here with you and daddy."

Autumn rolled on to her back with her arms laying above her head and took a big sigh.

"I wish time could stand still, and we could lay right here forever."

Evelyn scooted over and laid her head on Autumn's stomach and said: "Me too."

Evelyn was tired after lunch, so she told her mother she was going to take a nap, they were both at the bottom of the stairs when they saw a tall man leave the bathroom, he turned not even looking at them and went straight into Autumn and Clyde's room.

Autumn stood there in shock! Acting quickly, she grabbed her daughter and whispered to her, "Go outside and wait for me!" Evelyn started to quietly run but then turned back to grab one of her dolls off the couch. Getting to the door, she motioned for her mother to come, but Autumn was running to the phone in the kitchen and said: "go go go, I will be right there!" Evelyn stepped out but listened at the door.

"Clyde," she heard her say, "There's a man in the house upstairs we both saw him, hurry we're scared."- Moving back from the door, her mother came out and hurried her over to the side of the house, where she thought they would be safe.

Clyde came home, seeing them over there huddled together, so he ran to the door and told them to wait there. After searching the whole house, he came out and stood there shaking his head "There's nobody in there," he exclaimed, and with that, they all went inside, cautiously the girls stepped through the house looking around "We both saw him Clyde" Autumn told him "He was right there, maybe he went out the back door!"

That night it seemed to be the topic of discussion at the dinner table.