Her hair was in perfect pigtails and dangled as she tilted her head, "Come here." Marie put her shower bag back on the sink and started walking toward her "I want to hug you." Evelyn extended her arms. Her face was so sweet Marie couldn't help but smile back, reaching out for her saying, "Evie, your parents will be so upset, you have to go back to bed."
Marie saw something move behind Evelyn in her room. It was Charlie on the bed, tucking something in the covers and then laying down, protecting what was underneath. He looked up towards the door and growled. It sent a chill coursing through Marie's veins and a cold sweat on her brow. She felt compelled to look closer at Evelyn's face. "COME HERE!" Evelyn said, twirling the fingers on her still extended hands. A thought came to Marie's mind (She didn't have pigtails when she went to bed!). At that point, Evelyn's smile turned sinister as if she could read Marie's thoughts, and her voice changed, "You need to leave!" She then faded to black, and the door shut, causing swirls of dark mist to fall to the floor and dissipated by her feet.
Marie then grabbed the doorknob to Evelyn's room, swinging it open and she turned on the light, Evelyn was still lying in bed underneath the dog.
Marie knew right then, and there they were dealing with something otherworldly and evil, she went to her room and decided not to share what she had seen.
Marie only had three days left before she had to go home, and although she didn't feel right leaving them with all that was going on, there was nothing she could do, Marie had already stayed so long, and she felt Dunken suffered enough without her help on the farm. She wanted to have the preacher over for a blessing, but when Clyde told her what he did to Evelyn at the fair, she was shocked. "How could a man of God even think of treating a child like that?!"
Autumn was helping Marie fold the towels, and Evelyn was playing out back when she saw Marie turn her head as if wiping her eyes, "Are you alright, mom?" Marie broke down and started crying, "I'm sorry dear, I just love you so much! I'm scared for all of you. This house is so far from town." Autumn consoled her telling her that everything would be fine. "I'm sure you will be busy cleaning up after dad being alone for so long." They both laughed, then Marie's smile went away, and her face got real serious, she took Autumn by the shoulders so they were face to face "You call me if anything, and I mean anything should happen!" Autumn held her in her arms, looking out at Evelyn through the screen door playing in the grass with Holly and the dog she said: "I promise, mom."
The bags were all packed, and Charlie got in the back of the truck. "Why can't he stay?" Evelyn asked with tears streaming down her face, Marie got down on one knee and told her that Dunken got Charle for a reason, and as much as she wants to leave him he has a very important job. Marie looked out the side mirror as they drove and saw Evelyn break from her mother's hand and run after the car. "Clyde Stop!" Marie got out, and Evelyn fell into her arms, "Don't Go! - Don't Go!" Holding back so many emotions, she told her to take care of her mother, not to be scared, and to do her best to be strong.
It was a quiet ride home for Marie, only the sound of the rattling truck and the wind whizzing through the crack in the window. She looked over to her son, and he seemed like there was something heavy weighing on his mind. He glanced back over to her a few times as if he wanted to tell her what it was but couldn't find the words, Clyde then pulled the truck over and with his hands still on the wheel he put his head down and started to cry quietly. Marie had never seen a man look so broken. She put her hand on his back, "Clyde?"
He sat there, shaking his head, "Mom, I don't know what I'm supposed to do anymore." Marie heard the desperation in his voice, "I'm lost as well, but at this point, there's nothing you can do, son." His face