The storm went on, knocking down trees and power poles, Evelyn could hear branches hit the wall of her room, sounding as if the end of the world was coming. "This came on quick!" Autumn told Clyde while they stomped the mud off their shoes and hung up their coats that she was going to check on Evelyn while he made a fire. Still, Evelyn heard her come up the stairs, so she pretended to be asleep, seeing Autumn out of the slit in her eyes made her want to jump in her arms because the storm was scaring her. Still, Evelyn didn't dare, she knew her mother would be upset and try to make her sleep, and that wasn't going to happen.
Lightning cracked, and thunder rumbled through the night, Evelyn had only two hours of sleep in six days, so her mind was playing tricks on her. She didn't know what was real anymore; all she did know was that thing wanted to hurt her mother. "It just wants to take me and keep me from my family!" she thought.
In her head, they were no longer branches but the sound of that creature's long nails scratching down her wall. She thought her doll Holly turned her head toward her to watch her every move, she saw the light from under the closet door flicker as if someone was moving around in there and shadows danced up the walls to the ceiling, so she stayed tucked away under her covers.
Clyde opened Evelyn's door and peeked in, but in her mind, she saw a silhouette of the man with the mustache, and it frightened her to her core.
Shortly after, Clyde and Autumn were watching from the kitchen window at the two swinging doors on the garage, aggressively shaking from the wind, and the rain was coming down like buckets of water. "I hope those doors hold Autumn, all of our boxes of paperwork and blankets are in the back of the truck." They both started to put their raincoats and boots on so they could go out to secure their stuff, so Autumn asked him to check on Evelyn before they went out, but he said he already did, and she was sleeping like a log.
Armed with flashlights, they opened the front door, the wind burst the door out of Clyde's hand, slamming it into the wall, it blew his hat off landing by the front door, so he picked it up and ran out behind Autumn…
The half-moon window slammed open, causing a gust of wind to open the attic door. The crash brought Evelyn to sit straight up. "HE'S COMING!" she screamed out, but the wind was too loud, so her parents didn't hear her from outside. "MOM! DAD!" she yelled out, but there was no response. She ran to the window and saw her mother running to the garage, followed by the dark creature whose black skin glistened in the rain.
She opened the door to her room and saw that the attic door open, so she yelled out for her father. "That thing got out, and something must have happened to him!" she thought. Evelyn's little body trembled in fear, but she had to save her mom, she ran down the hall past the attic door and went into her parent's room. Running over to her father's side of the bed, and she heard his voice in her head, "Don't touch this, it's only for bad guys!" She grabbed the gun that was in the nightstand, it was so big her little hands could hardly hold it, but she knew it was up to her to help her mom.
As she was running down the stairs the pole to their house was struck by lightning blowing out the lights, so her path was only lit by the few flashes coming through the windows, she made it to the front door, and the wind blew her back almost knocking her to the ground. "MAMA!" she screamed.
Autumn and Clyde didn't see their little girl out there because they were too busy tieing the tarp down on the back of the truck. The doors swung, and the noise from the storm was deafening.