Evelyn stood there, the wind pushing her body but she stood firm, it was hard for her to see, the rain was coming down so hard, she saw movement in the garage, but she couldn't be sure where the creature was. Clyde was standing up in the bed of the truck when Autumn tripped over a rope on the tarp, causing her to yell out. Evelyn held up the gun, looking down the barrel fighting the wind from swaying her already shaking hand. Her father smiled and bent over helping Autumn up when a lightning flash lit up the skies, Evelyn pulled the trigger, but the safety was on so she lowered it down, taking the safety off and raised the gun back up with her arms extended and shot!
The gun kicked back so hard it hit Evelyn in the middle of her forehead, causing her to fall back with blood, and the gun landed next to her side. The bullet hit Clyde's chest, and blood sprayed all over Autumn's face as she jumped and stood there in shock. He took two steps back almost losing his balance, then, he looked down towards his chest and put his hand on his heart, pulling his hand out from his shirt he saw blood dripping from his fingers. "Autumn?" Clyde then looked at Autumn standing next to him with such confusion and despair. "What is this?" he asked her... then dropped to his knees.
Not knowing what just happened, Autumn shook him, taking him in her arms, "CLYDE! CLYDE!"
He was gone. The wind still blowing the shutters and the garage doors opening up then slamming one by one, again and again, Autumn cautiously stood up to see who was outside, she jumped down from the truck bed and walked to the front of the garage. Seeing something lying on the ground, "EVELYN?!" Autumn ran over to her, her nightgown soaked in blood that was coming from her head. Autumn thought that someone was out there who just took the lives of her family, so she stood up drenched from the rain with her arms spread "TAKE ME! WHY DON'T YOU TAKE ME!" Not looking down, she stepped on the gun lying next to her child. "Evie? Did you do this?" Stunned, she sat down next to her, wiping the blood from her eyes, her voice quivered "Why?" She looked up to the sky with the rain coming down on her face and screamed "NO!... WHAT DID YOU DO!"
Looking back at the truck, she sat there with her face cupped in her hands, kneeling next to her child's lifeless body and cried. She had nothing. They were her entire life; they were her whole world. Wiping tears from her eyes, she took her Evelyn up in her arms and struggled to get up, stumbling across the muddy driveway into the house.
She took her up the stairs and sat next to her on Evelyn's bed. She took the brush from the nightstand and brushed her wet hair, humming a tune and breaking down in between. She sat straight and wiped her eyes, clearing her throat. Autumn knew that there was nothing left for her, so she got up and walked down the hall into the bathroom, taking the pills out of the cabinet that the doctor gave Evelyn Autumn looked at herself in the mirror, "This is the only way we can still be together..", she thought. She stood over her bed, cradling the baby in her stomach and laid down next to her little girl…
"Mama?" I had the strangest dream… "Mama?"... "MAMA? WAKE UP, MAMA! WAKE UP!"... "MAMA!"
"Mama, I had the strangest dream." "Well, why don't you get ready for breakfast and you can tell me all about it."
It was a beautiful day. A truck pulled into the driveway, and an old lady got out and stood there looking at the house. She started to get back in the vehicle when she heard a child's voice, "Can we help you?" She turned around thinking... She didn't know what she was thinking.
"Are you the new tenants?" she asked. A man stepped out saying, "Well, we've been here for a while, is there anything we can do for you?" She looked so lost, "no, no. My kid's used to live here." He asked her