Still at Zhang Wei's home…
Madame Zhang had just proposed they go out for lunch. At the thought of spending time together with him, she blushed but said nothing, in fear of being rejected. She glanced at him silently praying to mot say no or to not say anything at all so even if he didn't want to go, she would still have face.
On the other hand, Zhang Wei looked at his mother as if asking 'What are you doing?' His mother looked at him and ignored his look. She put on a big smile and looked at the Ye girl "Ye Ying why don't you go and freshen up; Xiao Wei will just go and visit his father and will join you later."
Ye Ying looked at Zhang Wei and seeing that he had said nothing, she took it as her cue to leave. After she left, Zhang Wei looked at his mother. "Why are you doing this to me? You know how busy I am with the company. I have no time too do this."
Mrs. Zhang just looked and her son and sighed "Xiao Wei you're not getting younger and you have become a workaholic just like your father. Tone it down a bit have fun, and who knows maybe you will build a connection with the Ye girl. Speaking of your father, he is in his study. Go see him then come back don for your outing." Seeing as his mother did not intend to change her mind, he sighed and left the kitchen.
He walked up the staircase and got to his father's study. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. A stern voice called him in. Zhang Wei entered the study and saw the man frowning at something on a chess board. The man looked up and smiled when he saw his son. This man was Zhang Liming, patriarch, and breadwinner of the Zhang family.
Zhang Liming looked at his son entering and smiled. He looked stern but when one got to know him, he was actually a laid black person. He looked at his son as he entered the study and thought 'What a fine man he's grown into.'
Zhang Wei walked in and sat down. He saw the chess board and some pieces beside the table. He joined his dad and they continued to play. The older man seemed to remember something and looked at his son. He didn't need to say anything and used his eyes to speak to his son. The younger man noticed his father's gaze and ignored it.
Zhang Liming finally sighed and looked at his son "Did you see who your mother brought today? She told me she was worried about you. You know she is doing it for your own good. It has gotten to a point where even I am worried about you. I do want you to settle down."
His son just continued to play and didn't answer him. After making a few more moves, he finally met his father's eyes. His eyes held serious uninterest for his parent's involvement with his love life.
"Father, you know that I am focusing on the company now. I have no time for dating and frivolities. When I am indeed interested, I want it to be someone I pick. Then I'll know that I'll spend the rest of my life with that person. I don't dislike the idea of dating somebody but forcing it upon me will not help the situation as I can just reject." He finally raised his head from the chess board. Zhang Liming just watched his son and sighed. He knew he was right, but he didn't want his son to turn into a workaholic forever prioritizing work over relationships. He wanted his son to settle with a good woman. It doesn't matter the background as long as she is true to his son. He looked at the chess board and laughed.
"Good. Good. Checkmate. You've become better. As expected of top cyber businessman." Zhang Liming continued to laugh. After a few minutes of talking about business, he finally went downstairs to see his mother still chatting with Ye Ying.
Mrs. Wei noticed her son and waved him over, "Finally you're back. I was almost ready to come drag you here. So how about that outing?" Zhang Ziyi looked at her son. Zhang Wei sighed knowing he cannot get out of this. He agreed with a nod of his head and his mother smiled. Just then a tiny figure came out.
"Is big brother going out now? Can Weixi come? Please?" The child looked at everyone in the room with puppy dog eyes. Her mother sighed not being able to resist her eyes. "Fine you can go along but make sure to always stay with your brother. Is that clear?" The little girl nodded and skipped away but not before giving her brother a secret smile.
'Weixi won't allow her to be alone with big brother. I want a prettier sister. Hmph.'
With that, she went to get ready.
It was going to be an interesting day.