Chapter 8

Xiu Ying and Zhang Wei looked at each other, and for some reason the latter could not stop looking. First thing he noticed was her eyes. He had seen them before. Then her face. There was one word he used to describe her.


She was the type of beauty that would want to make one protect her, but her eyes held innocence so he knew that she would never use her beauty to her advantage. Xiu Ying was flushed under the man's intense stare, but that did not stop him in fact, he wanted to see more. Then they heard someone clear their throat…

Two hours before…

Xiu Ying and Li Na were still at the JSP shop and still hadn't found what they were looking for. It was either the one Xiu Ying liked Li Na didn't or vice versa or they both did not like it. Xiu Ying knew that they were making no progress, so she left Li Na to get something to eat. She asked Li Na if she wanted to follow but Li Na declined saying that she would stay behind to look at more car models. Xiu Ying shrugged and left.

As soon as she left, Li Na brough out her phone to call someone. When the person picked up, not waiting for the person to speak, she said with annoyance. "This is your only chance. I don't care what happens if you two don't meet but as far as I am concerned, I have held up my end of the deal." She hung up afterwards looking to see if Xiu Ying had come back.

She saw no one and continued to look at other cars. As she was looking, she felt someone bump into her knees. She looked down to see a little girl. She wore casual clothes, with little boots. Overall, she looked adorable. Li Na felt she looked familiar but didn't give it much thought as she was sure that she had never seen this girl before.

She ignored the girl but as she turned to leave, she tripped and almost fell. She looked behind to see the girl step on her skirt. The girl looked confused and realized what happened. She stepped off her skirt and looked apologetically at Li Na.

"Aunty I am sorry. It was a mistake. I am lost. Could you help me? I am looking for my brother. He is very tall and very handsome."

Li Na looked at the girl in annoyance. She remembered why she dressed like this today. It was possible that she would meet 'him' today. She blushed at the thought of the man but was brought back by the voice of the girl. "Could you help me? Aunty?"

Li Na looked at the girl and decided she had no time for her. Besides, she was waiting for that stupid Lu Yifeng to come and meet her. She could also bump into 'him' today. She looked at the girl and said with annoyance.

"Little girl I cannot help you as I do not know your brother. Please get lost." She turned to leave but the girl once again grasped her skirt.

"Aunty please. My brother is…" But before she could finish, Li Na already detached herself from the girl. "Little girl get lost before I lose it. Hmph."

She walked away from her. Li Na saw Yifeng and went to berate him form coming late. Lu Yifeng walked looking expensive. He was originally a little handsome, so he turned eyes as he walked in. He saw Li Na and also saw the little girl. She looked very familiar, exactly like Mrs. Zhang. He shook his head. 'Impossible. She would not be able to come out without bodyguards and security. It was probably a lookalike.' He thought.

He approached Li Na and saw that she was alone. He frowned and looked at Li Na.

"Where is she? I thought you guys came together." He looked around and didn't see her. He was about to get angry when Li Na interrupted him. "She went to get something to eat. She felt hungry. She definitely is here so calm down." She said with annoyance.

Lu Yifeng looked a little better but thought about it. 'When we begin to date, she should cut down on the food. I cannot date someone who is fat.' With that thought, he smiled at how he would be dating her soon. Li Na looked at him and asked.

"Since I have held up my end, what about you. Any news on 'him' yet?" She looked at Yifeng expectantly and Yifeng saw the look in her eyes.

He inwardly sneered at her 'Does she think that Mr. Zhang falls for just anyone? Does she know how many people want to date him? She's getting ahead of herself.' He hid the ridicule in his eyes and faced her "I got news that he was supposed to bring the daughter of the Ying family out for some lunch." After the announcement, her eyes clouded. 'A woman is trying to get close to my man. Who is she? I need to find out about her. He can only be mine.'

She was already fantasizing about their possible future unbeknownst to her that the chance to enter the Zhang family ended when she decided not to help that little girl. That little girl was none other than Zhang Weixi who was actually looking for her brother because she got lost. 'That aunty Ye did it on purpose. She wanted to be alone with my brother by force. Kmph Weixi will not allow it. I will find brother.'

She then bumped into someone else and looked up. She was stunned. 'This sister looked so pretty. Like a fairy.' She held unto the pretty lady's clothes. "Pretty sister could you help me find my brother? I am lost please?"

Xiu Ying was on her way back from eating when she felt someone bump into her knee and ask a question. She looked at the little girl clinging to her dress and she looked so adorable and sad. She bent down to the girl's level. She patted her head. "Little girl what is your name? Where is your brother?" She looked at her.

Weixi loved this sister's voice. 'She seems very nice.' "My name is Weixi. My brother is big brother Wei. Sister's voice is pretty. What is sister's name?" Weixi looked excitedly at her. Xiu Ying smiled and patted her head again. 'This girl is just too cute.' She pinched her face softly.

"My name is Xiu Ying. Come on, let us go look for your brother." She held the girl by the hand and asked the girl if she remembers where she last saw her brother. The little girl shook her head. "Weixi was forcibly separated from brother by a wicked woman. Weixi doesn't like her. She likes pretty sister instead." She then looked at Xiu Ying. "Can I call you sister Ying?"

Xiu Ying looked at her and smiled. She nodded and thought about how to find her brother. She then had an idea. She turned to Weixi and smiled. "Weixi do you know your brother's number? Maybe we can call him." Xiu Ying brought out her phone and handed it to the girl. Weixi took the phone and dialed the number.


Meanwhile, Zhang Wei was close to freezing everyone with his eyes. Even the esteemed Ms. Ye did not escape from his wrath. She would never admit that she deliberately made her loose her way so she could be alone with him. She didn't expect him to care so much about the little girl. 'I am afraid I have miscalculated. But I cannot admit to it. I know he doesn't like me, but he will hate me further. Only I can marry him.' She said nothing and acted calmly.

Zhang Wei left the room in hopes of searching for his sister when his phone rang. He looked at the number and narrowed his eyes. 'No one should know this number except for his family and close confidants. Who on earth is this?' He picked the call and then heard a tiny voice.

"Big brother you picked up." Zhang Wei heard his sister's voice. He immediately became alert. "Weixi where are you?" He said looking around. She couldn't be too far. "I am with a pretty sister. She found me and was allowed to use her phone to call you. Hmph big brother don't fall for that aunty's charms. She deliberately made me get lost. I don't like her." Weixi did not even hide and told her brother everything that happened. Zhang Wei's eyes got cold. "If not for Sister Ying, I would have been lost. Big brother come meet us. We are at Briw bakery. Bye." Weixi hung up the phone and gave it back to Xiu Ying without deleting his number. "Thank you, Sister Ying. My brother is on his way."

Zhang Wei got to the bakery. He heard Weixi shouting 'big brother' and turned. He approached her and Weixi and bent down to pat her head. Meanwhile, Xiu Ying was stunned. 'Zhang Wei is her big brother?'

Zhang Wei looked up and he saw her eyes. Those eyes. He got up and looked into her eyes. She was the one. Those eyes; he'd seen them before. Her very intriguing eyes. Xiu Ying could not look away. His eyes were dark brown, almost black and his stare was intense.

Xiu Ying and Zhang Wei looked at each other, and for some reason the latter could not stop looking. He looked at her face. There was one word he used to describe her.


She was the type of beauty that would want to make one protect her, but her eyes held innocence so he knew that she would never use her beauty to her advantage. Xiu Ying was flushed under the man's intense stare, but that did not stop him in fact, he wanted to see more of her face.