Chapter 32

Li Na was fuming. "You…" she tried to refute his words but couldn't. he was right. Xiu Ying was an ordinary girl. She didn't have a high social standing, so no one paid attention to her. Her family, like Xiu Ying's, was ordinary. No one cared. They weren't like Lu Yifeng and other high-ranking families. She knew that if her and Yifeng parted ways now, she would never get close to Zhang Wei.

What made her frustrated was that Yifeng knew she needed him and didn't hesitate to take advantage of that. To top it off, she needed information on that woman she saw at the restaurant but didn't have enough resources to get that. Yifeng would be her only rope. She looked at Yifeng.

Lu Yifeng saw how hard she was thinking and couldn't help but snicker internally. He knew she would never break off their current deal because her social standing couldn't allow it. He was sure she was regretting being part of her current family.

He was right.

Li Na was regretting so bad. How she wished she was born a high-ranking family's daughter. She would even be willing to be an illegitimate daughter. It was sad she wasn't even allowed to choose families.

After a while, she opened her mouth "Fine, I will think of a way. In return help me find out information about the girl he has been spending time with."

Lu Yifeng was momentarily confused. 'Girl?' he thought. Then he remembered who she was talking about. "You mean Ye Ying? The Ye family's daughter?"

Li Na nodded. "Yes, her. Help me find out information about her. As much as you possibly can." She thought for a moment and added "Also with any other girls. I need to know who I am up against. Leave no one out."

Lu Yifeng rose his brows. Was she ordering him? Why did she have to sound as if she had the upper hand in this transaction? What pride. Still he nodded.

"So, what are you going to do for me? I have once again helped you. What am I getting?"

Li Na snapped out of her fantasy. Honestly, she still had nothing planned. Hell, she didn't have a good excuse to give Xiu Ying later today. She had to think of something. She decided to just say whatever.

Lu Yifeng saw all the changes in her expression. 'So, she doesn't have any idea. What kind of best friend is she?' Still. He decided to entertain her. He really wondered how she would survive as Zhang Wei's girlfriend with such a weak mental personality.

He snapped out of hid thoughts at the sound of her voice.

"So, I think we are coming on too strong. We should dial back a bit." Li Na really hoped what she was saying made sense whatsoever. "She doesn't like it when people come on too strong on her. She finds it burdening. I think the fact that she sees you everywhere she goes is a problem."

She paused to see his expression. She hoped for him to buy it. She would be killing two birds with one stone. She and Xiu Ying would be able to avoid him for a while, and he would use that time to find out the information she needed."

She smiled. "You understand what I am saying right? Minimize your presence around her, and when she has calmed down, you approach her more naturally."

She waited for his response and sipped her latte.

Yifeng had his fingers on his chin deep in thought. Her idea doesn't sound too bad. He could use the little break to check back with home and get information. He guessed this idea of hers was a ploy for her to avoid him, but he threw that away. Even if she thought that, he still needed to check back at home.

So, he sighed and nodded.

"I see your point. I will use this time to get the information you want. Quick question though: How am I meant to know when she has calmed down enough?"

Li Na thought about it. True. Then she snapped her fingers. If meeting was a problem, she would just signal him. "I will find a way to signal you. Calling you may arouse her suspicions. Leave it to me."

He nodded.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't you be in class? I'll head off. See you later." He stood up takin gone more sip of his drink, nodded at her, then left.

Li Na checked the time and saw she had about fifteen minutes to get to class. She set a reminder for her and Xiu Ying's appointment later that day.

Xiu Ying and Xi Xing had classes together and they both came out looking like ghosts. That was because their lecturer had told them that they had an assignment and an upcoming test. The assignment wasn't bulky because they considered the fact that they still had to study for the test.

Xiu Ying looked dead. She was tired. She had been stressed lately and she had to meet up with Li Na right now. She looked at the time and saw that she still had some time left.

Then, Xi Xing lamented "Why? We have and assignment AND a test? And not just any test, Mr. Sika's test."

Mr. Sika was a carefree man, but his tests are known all over the school for how hard they are. He never gave ten-paged assignments and what not, but his questions were always deadly. They came from the syllabus, but one wouldn't think that when writing his tests.

Xiu Ying smiled at Xi Xing's antics and sighed. "Guess we'll have to meet up to study. We cannot fail, right Xing?" She looked encouragingly at Xi Xing.

Xi Xing sighed. She really couldn't fail. She clenched both her fists. "Fighting."

Xiu Ying laughed and they said their goodbyes. She told Xi Xing that she needed to see Li Na and would call her later to schedule the study date. They waved and Xi Xing left. Xiu Ying went in the direction of the coffee shop.