Chapter 38

The hottest topic in town was now the upcoming gala. Everyone that was invited was excited, especially the students that got the tickets. They were the twenty-one, lucky students, to go to the gala. Xiu Ying and her crew, as scheduled, went together to shop for their dresses.

They reached the mall, all in good spirits planning on how they were going to get there. They talked about many things, they even talked about whether they were going to arrive together or not. Then, they reached the dress shop.

Xiu Ying asked Ian if he wanted to get his clothes too, that if he did, they would meet at the food court when they were done. Ian nodded and left the girls. Xiu Ying and Xi Xing roamed around the mall for a while, window-shopping, before entering the store.

Xiu Ying's budget wasn't that high, and she wasn't going there to impress anyone, she was simply going there to see what lay ahead in her career and expand her horizons. She didn't plan on picking anything flashy, but she still wanted to look appropriately dressed for the occasion.

She looked around, and eventually saw a black dress that matched her criteria. She was about to pick the dress, but Xi Xing was faster. She snatched the dress away from Xiu Ying.

"Is this what you planned to wear?" she asked with an incredulous face/

Xiu Ying shrugged. It didn't look bad at all. She never planned to stand out.

Xi Xing almost scoffed. She looked at Xiu Ying like she was another specie and grabbed her hand.

"Ying. We are going to get a better dress. You are not wearing that to the gala."

Xiu Ying was struggling to get her hands out of Xing's. 'Wow, this strength is something else.'

She sighed and just allowed Xi Xing to drag her away.

"What? The dress wasn't bad at all. I said it before that I didn't want to stand out. I am not a rich family's daughter. So, what is the problem with the dress?"

Xi Xing turned back to look at Xiu Ying like a teacher scolding a misbehaved child. Xiu Ying unconsciously pouted. She felt like she was getting scolded. 'It was just a dress.' She sulked.

Xi Xing turned around and dragged her towards a more expensive looking shop. Xiu Ying thought they were going to make another turn but stood corrected when they entered the shop. The minute she entered, she smelled soft fragrances from the cloth. It truly was a branded store, and not only that, it was the ADI store.

They were one of the best cloth brands in the country. They even have a reputation internationally. Xiu Ying was about to ask what they were doing her, but she was once again dragged by her friend deeper into the shop.

"Excuse me, I want to purchase two dresses." Xi Xing stated.

Xiu Ying widened her eyes. Was she crazy? Two dresses. One dress was already double the amount on her budget but this crazy friend of hers is saying two. Did she not feel out of breath just making that statement?

The receptionist looked up at the two women. She smiled and welcomed them in. There was another reason why Xing came to this shop. They didn't discriminate against any class here. Sure, they would show you dresses that would think would fit your budget, but it was still your choice to buy in the end.

The receptionist rand a bell twice and a slim woman came from behind the door. She was wearing the official ADI suit. White with velvet streaks on the shoulder plaque. She led the two girls to where the dresses were. She showed them around with utmost politeness and answering any question that Xi Xing asked.

Xiu Ying hadn't talked since she had entered the shop. She looked with wide eyes at her friend. Just what was going on? Why did they come to a shop like this? She wasn't poor but buying a dress her would cost a pretty penny, and she had other things to spend the money on. Just as she was about to tell the girl in front of her to go home, she heard her voice.

"Yes, she would like to try on the purple evening gown."

She was dragged again towards the dressing room, dress in tow. She finally snapped out of her rag doll acting state and faced Xi Xing.

"What is going on Xi Xing? What is happening? You know I said I don't have a budget for such a dress like this. A dress here costs about 270,000 yuan and you wanted to buy two. I don't have that money on me now." She said in one breath.

Xi Xing allowed her to rant and put her hands on Xiu Ying's shoulders.

"I'm buying both for us."

Xiu Ying thought she heard wrong. She shook her head like she was with another person.

"Xi Xing, do you know what shop you brought us into?"

Xi Xing sighed. "Alright, alright just go and try it on. It looks good on you. I will try on my dress too."

She pushed Xiu Ying into the dressing room where the dress was already hung. She looked at the dress. It was very pretty. Could she try it?

She heard XI Xing's voice from outside. "You better try it on, Xiu Ying."

She sighed. Fine, she would try on the dress. When she checked the mirror, she widened her eyes. The dress was soft against her skin. It wasn't loose but it wasn't too body-hugging either. She loved the length and everything about the dress.

She came out and at the same time, Xi Xing was coming out if her dressing room. She gasped at Xiu Ying's dress.

"Oh, it is so beautiful on you. I have rather good eyes huh?"

She wiggled her eyebrows. Xiu Ying laughed a little. She liked the dress, she wasn't going to lie, but how would they pay for such a dress?

The assistant came in and smiled. "The dresses look incredibly good on the Misses. It brings out your body shapes perfectly.

Xi Xing was wearing an ivory dinner dress. It was a slanted gown, from her knees to her ankles. She would have looked better if she were wearing heels.

"So, how do we pay?" Xi Xing asked?

Xiu Ying was already panicking. She wondered that too.

The assistant smiled. "Lucky for you two, we are having a sale today. Half the price for today and an extra 10% if you are a new customer.

Xiu Ying was surprised. She didn't hear about any promotion, and if this was a promotion, people should be swarming the store.

The assistant smiled as if reading her mind. "We know that the store would be filled if we were to announce it and we are only expecting new dresses this evening. It would be out of stock within an hour. So, the lucky ones that enter today get this discount."

Once again, Xiu Ying didn't know what to say. She was happy. She would admit; if she didn't buy the dress, she would be hurt a little bit. The dress amazed her.

She was happy. She ended up saving a little more money than what she thought. She felt satisfied and immediately hugged Xi Xing.

"Thank you, my golden egg. My good luck charm."

Xi Xing laughed. "I'll be right outside. I forgot my phone in the dressing room."

Xiu Ying and nodded. She left. Xi Xing's smile faded a little, made sure Xiu Ying had left before turning to the two women.

"You did well. I will speak to my father later. Good work."

The two women bowed. "Thank you, Young Miss."

She left, and the two women sighed in relief. They went back to what they were doing. It was still hard to believe their young miss came by herself, even reducing the price so much for her friend. They can't offend her in the future.

She met Xiu Ying outside and they met Ian at the food court. They saw that he had nothing in his hands. They asked him why he was empty-handed.

He smiled. "They need to tailor it. It will come later."

They ate and chatted. It was a harmonious atmosphere.

Lu Yifeng was in the same mall and recognized Xiu Ying. He frowned. Who the hell was that man smiling and seating next to her?